Awake - 40

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DA note: I honestly have never written a fortieth chapter for a fiction before...

And let me highlight, I'll edit this work thoroughly after it is completed, so if you happen to reread, there will be some additions or maybe subtractions in the material of the work. Especially in chapter thirty-eighth.

(10/11/21): Or maybe not in the thirty-eighth chapter.


          Finally after much negotiation, the doctor allowed to see Mix up close but,

          Only one person.

          And Earth would forever be grateful to the Phunsawat-Adulkittiporns that they gave that single chance to him.

          He felt like he got something that he didn't deserve, again, as he sat beside Mix.

          Gazing at his still form and shut eyes with slight shadows beneath,

          It caused a numb ache in the depths of his heart.

          The monitor beeped in an abrupt tone. He looked down at Mix's left hand, which had a drip attached, it looked boney and he felt that there was something missing on it.

          Right... The ring...

          He took it out from his jacket and gazed at it in his right hand again, flipping it once.

          He then proceeded to put it on Mix's finger again to see if it was actually loose or not.

          He had not realized it the first moment when he'd put it on his finger. He remembered, he had been so angry about everything that he didn't take account of anything.

          But now, that he put it on his finger for the second time and in his senses, he felt the hollow of the ring a little loose around his ring finger.

          He gently placed the hand back, the ring still on his finger. During these three months, except when doing chores, he remembered how Mix never took his wedding ring off.

          He loved and cherished it so much, Earth knew. Because at times, he'd find Mix gazing at it. Sometimes caressing it as well.

          Now he wondered, how Mix had wore this all along when it was this loose?

          Maybe, his life depended on this?

          Maybe he wanted to feel as good as possible in the last of his moments...

          Earth put his hand over Mix's fingers and knuckles as he gently squeezed.

          He moved his gaze, all the way from his pale hand to his chest that raised slowly and collapsed quickly like he'd stop breathing any moment.

          And then stopped at his face, which was only visible so much because of the pipe going down his mouth.

          He could see that his cheekbones and jawlines were kind of defined as well.

          Earth gazed at him a little longer, as he didn't realize words were leaving his lips,

          "Mix... Please survive this... We all want you... We all need you... Come back to us, please... For I'm yet to ask forgiveness from you... For I haven't made you feel good... For I'm yet to say what's in my heart..."

          His lips trembled as tears cascaded down from his eyes and he faced down for a moment. He closed his eyes as he softly gasped in,

          "Please, Mix, I don't want to lose you too..."

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