Ku Rak Mueang - 34

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          Earth shot his head up to his alarm ringing.

          But the thing was that his alarm was ringing in his room and he was down here on the long sofa in the joint kitchen and sitting area.

          He sat up to the side and rubbed his face before reaching for his phone.

          There were no call back or texts from Mix.

          He remembered having waited till he was halfway home before checking the phone again.

          When no text dropped back— Considering Mix wasn't the type to leave someone hanging, it kinda made Earth worried.

          At first, he tried to calm himself as he cleared his throat and entered the area around his neighbourhood.

          He'd be home.

          He told himself. He didn't actually touch the phone until he stopped in the parking lot of their house.

          He'd dialed Mix's number, although he knew Mix would be inside the house. Tapping his finger on the steering wheel, he looked at the house, it felt oddly dark.

          With the phone still ringing, he got down the car, locking it in the process.

          He marched up the porch, put in the code and entered the house. His suspicion was correct when he was met with darkness when the door opened.

          He lowered the phone from his ear as it went on voicemail,

          "Sawasdee Krub, you've reached Mixxiw, I'm sorry I'm not available, please leave a message."

          He closed the door behind him, walking further in. He looked in the TV lounge, dark and empty, it was. He looked around all of the house.

          Then his mind clicked, maybe Mix would have gone to sleep.

          That's why he wasn't picking up his phone.

          He walked up the stairs as he hoped that he'd find Mix in his room all curled up in the middle of his bed like a cat.

          He reached Mix's room door rather quick. He was about to open the door when he thought that he should knock. So he did.


          No response.

          He knocked again, "Mix? I'm sorry to disturb you but is there any leftover pizza?"

          He was surprised at the smooth way he lied for he sucked at lying.

          Shaking it away, he listened that there was again no response.

          He knocked again, "Mix, I'll barge in if you don't answer me,"

          This was kind of unsettling now. Mix would have opened the door by now.

          Even if he would've been deeply asleep.

          Is he okay?

          "You asked for it," He twisted the door handle which surprisingly opened as he thought it would be locked.

          And what he was met with, left him feeling a little cold on the inside.

          The room was dark but he could see that it was clean and empty. That the bed was made. He blinked as he entered it, "Mix?"

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