Chapter Two • See You Tomorrow

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𝙇𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

"You're nothing but a stupid little girl, God I wish your mother aborted you when she had the chance."

"Daddy I'm so so-rry, please for-give me." I sob into my hands while looking up at my father.

"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE BITCH." Screams my father as he raises his hand and slaps me across the face.

My head turns to the right, a metallic taste coats the inside of my mouth. My cheek is swollen and red. That's definitely gonna leave a bruise.

"Until you learn how to be a good and useful daughter, you can stay in here." He says with a sinister smirk. "And if you ever tell your mother and sister about this, I will kill you." He whispers as he slams the door shut, locking it behind him.

Maybe he's right, maybe I am just a useless little girl that would be better off dead than staying here and messing up everything and everyone's lives. I just hope he gives me food and water this time.


I spring up out of my bed in a cold sweat.

"God not again." I say to myself in a defeated voice.

"Luna sweetie, are you okay?" Lily says busting through my bedroom door, running over to my side.

"Yeah, I just had another nightmare." I say with a sigh.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Yes please." I whisper out, tears in my eyes.

Lily's the only person who knows about my childhood. I never thought I'd ever find someone who wouldn't judge me or call me crazy, but when I told Lily four years ago about what happened, she held me all night long while I cried into her chest. She's my best friend, my sister, and without her I wouldn't be here.

"Try and get some sleep, we still have a few hours until we have to wake up for college." She whispers into my hair as my head lays on her chest. I hum out an answer while my eyes shut with nothing but sadness and tiredness.


"Luna, babe it's time to wake up." I hear in my ear. I wake up to find a fully ready Lily crouched down beside my bed. "We have class in an hour." She says while brushing my hair out of my face.

"Okay." I say softly.

Once I get out of bed, I make my way into the bathroom.

God I look rough.

I have dried tears on my cheeks, my eyes swollen with bags under them. I quickly discard my clothing and get into the shower. After fifteen minutes I get out and make my way over to the sink to brush my teeth and do my skin care. After that I blow dry my hair, which may I add is my least favourite thing to do but the show must go on. After I'm done I make my way into my closet to get dressed.

 After I'm done I make my way into my closet to get dressed

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