Chapter Seventeen • Keep Your Eyes Open

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𝙇𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

The morning sun beams through the curtains in Jax's bedroom. His head is squashed into my chest, his arms and legs wrapped around my body trapping me against him. He holds me tight, as if I'll disappear if he lets go. I slowly try to wiggle my way out of his hold.

"Stop fuckin' moving." He grumbles out into my chest.

"Jax." I whine. "Let me up, I need to use the bathroom." I say as I continue to wiggle.


"No? What the fuck do you mean no?" I ask him in disbelief.

He pulls his head out of my chest and looks at me. "No." He says again and shoves his face into my neck this time, leaving small kisses against it.

"Jax I swear to god if you don't let me get up I will make you sleep on the floor." I say gripping his hair.

"You're in my room dumbass." He says, smacking my hand away gently.

"Thank you for reminding me, I have a perfectly good bed I can sleep in alone."

"Ugh fine, hurry up." He dramatically sighs, rolling onto his back.

I quickly spring out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. After doing my business I walk over to the sink, grabbing my tooth brush.

A second later a very tired Jax walks into the bathroom, proceeding to grab his toothbrush and standing behind me. We stand in front of the mirror brushing our teeth, staring at each other. Jax walks out of the bathroom and I follow his body with my eyes confused, seconds later he walks back in with his phone in his hand.

"What's that for?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

He doesn't respond but stands behind me, his chest making contact with my back as his left arm wraps around my waist. Before I have time to react I hear the clicking sound of the camera.

"Jax no, I look so bad right now" I groan, covering my face with one hand.

"Shut up and take a photo with me." He says cuddling into me closer.

I take my hand away from my face and look at him with a blank expression, before I give in. Jax bends down and starts leaving kisses on my neck and face, as I start laughing. While he continues his attack on my face he takes pictures of us. He sets his phone on the counter and turns me around.

"Good morning baby." He says, pushing some hair away from my face.

"Good morning." I say and pull him into a gentle kiss.

Once he pulls away he grabs his phone and looks at the pictures. He smiles while scrolling through them refusing to let me see.


He stops at one picture and stares at it for a while before muttering "perfect" under his breath.

We both exit the bathroom and I begin making the bed.

"Luna come on, you don't have to do that." He says while walking into the closet presumably to get dressed.

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