Chapter Twenty One • Piercings

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𝙇𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

It's been about three weeks since I woke up from my coma, two weeks since the mission. Within these last two weeks we've gone through all the files we took from the warehouse. We found out about some business meetings Kyle has coming up but we haven't really found any hard evidence about what his plans are, which is more frustrating than you know. It just seems like every time we get closer to bringing him down something gets in the way.

Over these last two weeks I started going back to living a somewhat normal life, if my life was ever normal to begin with. I decided to continue doing college from home but I decided to come back to the café to work. I missed it so much and I felt horrible leaving on such short notice, I'm just thankful my job was still mine.

Jax wasn't happy about me going back to work with a target on my back but I convinced him, obviously with some conditions. For example, a new bodyguard. With everyone in the Mafia working 24/7 to finish this war, Jax needs his best men working aka Oliver. So I got assigned a new bodyguard. He seems nice, a little weird, but he doesn't talk very much. His name's Damien, he only joined the Mafia about a year ago but he has some pretty good skills.

I'm currently putting away some of the books that the customers were reading while lounging around the café. I hear the bell chime above the door, but before I can turn around I feel someone's presence behind me.

A set of hands are placed over my eyes before a deep voice whispers in my ear.

"Guess who."

"Hmmm Marcus?" I say teasingly.

I'm spun around in an instant, coming face to face with Jax who has a displeased expression.

"Who's Marcus?" He asks as his hands grip my waist.

"Oh you know, just my side piece. Don't worry, he knows you're my main dude." I say as I lean up and kiss him.

"He better." He mutters against my lips before connecting them in a kiss again.

We stand in the back of the store near a bookshelf, Jax backs me up into it as our kiss gets more heated. His hand drops down to my ass and squeezes it. I let out a moan which allows Jax to slip his tongue in my mouth. I bring my hands up to grip his hair as our tongues glide against each other smoothly. I bring my one hand down and push against his chest telling him I can't breathe. He pulls back and immediately begins to trail kisses down my neck, sucking on certain parts when I moan.

"You look beautiful today baby." He says as he places small pecks against my neck.

"Oh, so I don't look beautiful everyday." I say as I look him in his eyes.

He freezes for a second, trying to think of something to say.

"I um, no-I mean yes, you look beautiful everyday. I was just saying that today you-" He stammers before I cut him off with a kiss.

"I'm just fucking with you." I laugh as he drops his head to my shoulder.

"Don't do that." He grumbles out with a pout.

"I think you're lying though. I'm legit wearing a huge sweater and some leggings, your statement seems a little dramatic."

"You always look beautiful, no matter what you're wearing. I just like to remind you." He says, pulling away. "Are you done?"

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙒𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙   Where stories live. Discover now