Chapter Fifty Five • Everything I Wanted

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𝙅𝙖𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

"We have to be quiet." I whisper to Asher, placing a finger over my mouth.

He nods his head with a huge smile on his face as he slowly opens the bedroom door, a sleeping Luna who lays in the center of the bed coming into view.



Asher runs over and hops on the bed, his body landing on top of Luna, pulling her out of her sleep as a groan leaves her mouth.

"What the fuc-"

"Happy Birthday mommy!" Asher says before placing a kiss on her cheek.

Luna's eyes widen in realization before they land on Asher, immediately softening as she pulls him tighter to her chest.

"Happy Birthday to you too."

I walk over and sit next to them in bed, a tray of food in my hands.

"Wow, breakfast in bed. Aren't I lucky." Luna jokes as she sits up against the headboard.

I place the tray on her lap before leaning in and placing a kiss against her lips.

"Jax, don't. I haven't brushed my teeth." She says as she shoves my face away.

I roll my eyes and kiss her again, pulling back a minute later with a smile on my face.

"Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." She mumbles softly.

"Mommy, look!" Asher says as he points to the plate.

"Oh wow, a vampire." She draws out, her eyes looking down at the waffle with fangs.

"I figured since it's Halloween I'd keep it festive. See, the eyes are chocolate chips, the fangs are made out of whipped cream, and the blood is made from some strawberries I smooshed." He says proudly.

"Thank you so much." She says as she cuts a piece off, taking a bite as Asher waits for her reaction.

"How is it?" He asks excitedly.

"I think we have a future chef in the family." She says with a smile.

Asher mutters a small yes under his breath, a huge smile on his face.

"What time is it?" Luna asks, looking at me.

I pull my phone out and look at the time.

"Seven thirty."

"Seven thirty!" Asher yells. "I have to get ready." He says, jumping off the bed and running out of the room.

"He doesn't start school for another hour, why is he freaking out?" She laughs while eating.

"It's his first Halloween, he's just excited." I say as I move closer to her and lay my head on her shoulder.

She cuts off a piece of the waffle and brings the fork to my mouth. I give her a look telling her I don't want it, but her death glare makes me open my mouth immediately.

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