Chapter Three • Did You Miss Me?

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𝙅𝙖𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

I watch her figure as it disappears behind the frosted doors of her apartment building, a huge grin stretched across my face. God Luna, what are you doing to me? As I turn around walking away, I receive a phone call.

Incoming call from "Dad"

I instantly pick up the phone

"Hey Dad, what's up?" I say as I continue to walk down the street, further and further away from where she is.

"Ajax my boy! How are you." My father asks enthusiastically.

"Dad, how many times do I have to tell you I hate my full name." I whine into the phone.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Look, I need you to stop by the house."

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine son, I just need to talk to you about something." He lets out with a laugh.

"Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"See you then." He says and cuts the call.

I wonder what he needs to talk to me about.

I walk back to the café, walking over to my parked car and getting inside.

Yes I walked Luna home even though I had my car. I just wanted to spend more time with her.

After a twenty minute drive I arrive at my parents house, shutting the car off and stepping out.

I quickly ran up the steps to my house, or should I say mansion. I've never been the type to like big houses like this. I like a smaller house with a more warm and cozy vibe, I guess a family home.

I wonder if Luna likes big houses like this, or smaller ones like me-

Oh my god, why am I even thinking that? I'm like a schoolgirl thinking about her and her crushes' future. Get it together Jax. I let myself into the house and I'm immediately pulled into a bone crushing hug from my mother.

I've always loved her hugs.

"Oh Ajax, I'm so happy to see you. Look at you, you've grown so much." She says while looking over my entire body as if she's looking for injuries.

"Mom, you saw me last week at family dinner." I kindly remind her.

"Hush, I'm just excited to see my boy." She says, eyes filled with so much love.

"Ahem, don't you mean boys as in plural." Says none other than my little brother Xander.

"I thought you were with your boyfriend." I say in a teasing tone, knowing how annoyed he gets whenever any guy he's seeing is mentioned.

"He's not my boyfriend." He says with a smirk, sending me a wink.

My brothers such a fuck boy.

"Ah, just the man I was looking for." My dad says as he walks over to me pulling me into a  hug.

"Hey dad, what did you need to talk to me about?" I ask curiously.

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙒𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙   Where stories live. Discover now