Chapter Thirty Eight • Backstabber

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𝙇𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

It's been one month since I've been kidnapped.

One month since my miscarriage.

One month since I met Asher.

I'm losing hope about getting out of here. Sofia told me she hasn't been able to make contact with my family, that they're not looking for me anymore. She said she's tried sending them messages but never gets anything back in return.

"Luna look what I made." Asher speaks excitedly as he runs over to me, a drawing in hand. "See this is you, and this is me. Oh! and Bear. See, here's the dog house I drew for him for the backyard of the house we'll live in once we get away from the bad man." He says with a cute smile.

"That's a very amazing drawing, I bet you'll become a famous artist one day." I say proudly as I hang the drawing on the wall.

A month ago after Kyle came in and found Asher in my arms I made a deal with him.

One month ago:
"Asher I'm gonna put you on the bed okay." I speak softly as I try to move him off my body.

"No, please don't." He cries.

"It will only be for a minute, I promise."

After I set Asher down I walk towards Kyle.

"What do you want now?"

"I'd watch the attitude if I were you."

"Just tell me what you want Kyle."

He lets out a huff. "I came down here to see if you've learned your lesson, see if you're ready to come back upstairs."

"Learned my lesson? You left me down here while I was having a fucking miscarriage which you caused. So no, I guess I didn't learn my lesson." I spit.

"Look if you agree to behave you can come back upstairs, I promise I'll make it up to you princess." He says as he reaches out to touch me, me backing away instantly.

"The only way I'd come back upstairs is with Asher and that I'd have my own room, far away from yours."

"Who's Asher?" He asks, confused.

I let out a scoff. "Asher is the little boy you've kept locked down here for God knows how long."

His eyes drift over to the little boy who's shaking on the bed. "No absolutely not, that thing isn't coming upstairs."

"Then neither am I." I say as I turn around and walk back towards Asher.

"Why are you so difficult?" He asks with anger.

"Why are you such a loathsome monster?"

He looks taken aback by my words. He turns around to make his way out of the cell but my voice calling out stops him.

"Wait." I say as I turn towards him again. "Can we at least get some toys and school supplies, maybe some blankets. He's a little kid and needs to start learning, needs some form of normalcy. It's also freezing down here. I'm not asking for much Kyle, besides, this is the least you can do after killing my baby."

He stares at me for a minute, a look of what almost looks like guilt shining in his eyes before letting out a deep sigh.

"Fine." He says as he turns around and leaves Asher and I alone yet again.

"Luna?" Asher asks as he pokes his tiny finger into my cheek. "What are you thinking about?"

I grab his little hand and place a kiss on it, a small giggle erupts from his mouth. I pull him onto my lap as he wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my chest, my hand coming up as I begin to play with his hair.

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