Chapter Forty • Slumber Party

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𝙅𝙖𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

I can feel my fingers twitching, the feeling foreign to me. My head begins moving side to side as I try my hardest to open my eyes. My entire body feels like it's been hit by a bus.

What's going on?

"Welcome back to the land of the living." A voice says from beside.

My eyes adjust to the bright lights as I look over to my right and see Dimitri sitting there.

"What's going on?" I croak out.

"What's going on is that you're alive." He says as he practically throws himself on top of me.

I grunt out in pain, letting out a laugh at his actions.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry." Dimitri says as he goes to pull away from me.

"Don't apologize." I say as I wrap my arms around him tight.

I thought I was dead.

I'm supposed to be dead.

"I'll go get Mary." He says, pulling away as he runs out the door.

Dimitri leaves me alone in the infirmary. I look around at my surroundings, numerous thoughts and questions running through my head.

"It's nice to see you awake." Mary says as she walks to me, pulling me into a hug. "You're a very lucky man, the bullet missed your heart by mere centimetres."

I let out a laugh. "So when can I get out of here?"

"Even though you're awake and are okay you're still healing. Due to being in a coma for two months-"

"Two months? I've been out for two months." I say as I try sitting up, grunting in pain.

Mary helps me gently sit up. "With you being in a coma for the last two months your body is very weak. You're gonna need to take proper time to regain your strength. You're more than likely going to need a cane to help you walk for a while." She says.

"Where's Luna and Xander?" I ask disregarding Mary's words.

Her and Dimitri look at each other with looks I can't decipher.

"We aren't too sure where Luna is. We've been looking everywhere, following every lead but it always leads to nowhere." Dimitri says with a solemn look.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know." I growl out, pulling off all the cords that are attached to my body.

"Jax you need rest-"

"No,what I need is to find my damn girlfriend." My voice booms out. "That sick fuck has her, God knows what he's been doing to her these last two months."

I push myself off the bed, my knees buckling underneath me as Dimitri quickly catches me. I fight in his hold, trying to avoid the fact that my body isn't strong anymore. Trying to deny the fact that Luna is out there somewhere and that she's more than likely being hurt over and over again.

"Jax I'm just as upset and pissed off as you are. She's my daughter and I haven't been able to find her." Dimitri says, looking at me. "But we just got you back, we can't risk losing you again. We'll find her. But you need to regain your strength and heal first."

I take in a deep breath, a pit forming in my stomach at all the possibilities of what's happened to Luna.

"I'm sure your family and friends would be happy to see you, especially Oliver. Why don't you go see him." He says.

I nod my head as the two of them help me stand up, Mary running over to grab a cane.

I let out a laugh as she handed it to me. "You weren't joking about the cane."

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