Chapter Twenty Eight • Mile High Club

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𝙇𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫

"We get in and out, do you understand?" Jax's voice booms out, our inner circle nodding their heads in agreement.

We found out that Kyle has a business meeting with the Spanish and Italian Mafia's three days from now in Las Vegas. We've made a plan, hoping we can get some information or even get Kyle himself.

"Good, you're dismissed."

It's been a week since my sister's funeral.

I'm doing better, not great but better. I don't know what I would've done without Jax, I still feel guilty about everything I said and did.

Months ago the only person I had was Lily.

Now I have Jax who is an amazing boyfriend. Oliver, Xander, and Baxter are amazing friends. I found out I have a brother who couldn't be more amazing. My biological dad who's trying to have a real father/daughter relationship with me, respecting my boundaries and feelings. And Jax's parents who have become my own.

My own little family.

I wish mom and Zoe were here as well.

"What are you thinking about?" Jax asks sitting next to me on the couch in his office.

"Just thinking about how grateful I am to have you." I smile, laying down and putting my head in his lap.

He lets out a laugh, his hands coming down to play with my hair.

"So, Valentine's day is in a few days." He says. "What do you think about being my valentine?"

"Ooo how romantic." I say sarcastically. "Of course I'll be your valentine." I say with a smile.

He leans down and kisses me gently, the kiss quickly becoming heated as he slips his tongue past my lips and into my mouth.

I'll never get tired of kissing him, it always feels like the first time. Butterflies erupting in my stomach and all that other shit.

I sit up and straddle his lap, grinding my hips down onto him. He lets out a throaty groan, thrusting his hips up into me. His hand trails down to grab my ass, squeezing it in his large callused hand. My hands come up to cup his face as our mouths attack each other's in a feverish kiss. His other hand comes up and grips my breast over my shirt, rubbing his thumb across my hardening nipple. His mouth swallowed my moans, mine swallowing his groans.

We continue to make out, everything disappearing around us as we both become needy for each other. Needy for more, only to be cut off by the door opening.

"Hey guys, OH GOD." Damien says walking into the room.

I shoot off of Jax's lap onto the floor, my back hitting it with a thud.

The last thing I want or need is my brother seeing me make out with my boyfriend.

"I can come back later." He says as his hand covers his eyes.

"Nope, no worries. I was just leaving anyway." I say slowly backing away towards the door before turning around and bolting out.

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