Talk To...

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Izuku POV:

The interview was now over which I am glad for because it was so stressful. I got asked all sorts of stuff. Like when is my birthday?, where did I go to school?, What was my degree in?, How many more songs am I going to release?, Where do I record?, Do I play any instrument's?, Do I have a process when I write?, Do I plan on releasing happier or more upbeat songs?, all sorts of stuff. The only question that kept going through my head was when Shota asked if the father of my unborn child was watching what would I tell him, and thinking about that kind of scared me. Thinking he was watching me tell my side of our story and a huge part of it he didn't even know about it. Knowing him he would be enraged that I never told him. I didn't tell him because we had already broken up and it's not like he would've changed his mind about going public. I knew if I would've told him, it would have just been adding salt to the wound.

--With Bakugou--

Baku POV:

There is no way I still love him. Right? ... NO! No way. How could I still be in love with him after all this time? I mean sure I miss him, and the way he smelled like me after we would spend the night together, and sure I miss the way he would purr in my ear at night, and how his emerald eyes shinned in the sunlight beaming through the window. .. Shit! I'm still in love with him. I need to talk to him. How can I get in touch with him? I know. Kirishima has Kaminari's number and that human Pikachu was his best friend. So I picked up my phone to text Kirishima when I realized that my phone had blown up with messages when I wasn't paying attention.

//Random Messages Bakugou Was Getting//

Mina: Bakugou didn't you have a crush on Midoriya in high school?

Kiri: Dude! Midoriya got preg in H.S.?

Sero: Do you guys have an idea who was the daddy 😏

Jiro: Guys it's none of ur business sorry Bakugou. Are you okay?

Momo: Baku you good. I know the news was shocking

Mina: Bakugou?

Sero: U ok?

Momo: Baku?

Kiri: Bro?

Jiro: Katsuki?

Everyone: We're coming over!

//End Of Messages//

By the time I was done reading them about 20 minutes later someone knocked on my door. When I opened it all my friends were there. They kinda looked freaked out.

"Guys you okay?" I asked

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Everyone yelled at me. It startled me so much that I broke again. I started to feel my eyes fill with water.

After me and Izuku broke things off, much like him I stopped eating as much, I slept less and less, I got more irritable, but more importantly I cried every time I was alone. Once when Mina, Momo, and Jiro were hanging out together they caught me crying. I never told them what happened. All I told them that I had a crush on Izuku and it was eating me alive. They believed me so I stuck with it. The only one that knew about my relationship with Izuku was Izuku and from the sounds of it, it was the same for him. But the fact that all my friends showed up to my place to ask if I was okay and the fact that I wasn't. I had to tell them everything that happened all those years ago.

--Time Skip--

I told them what happened 7 years ago and that I was the one who was in a relationship with him and was most likely the one who knocked him up. They first didn't believe me but after I showed them a picture from back then. It showed Izuku and I cuddling in bed in the morning, and you could clearly see the hickeys we left on each other.

"Wait! You're telling us that you two dated for over a year and no one knew about it?" Mina asked

"No one. Not even our parents knew. But he hated it. All he wanted was to show the public that we were taken, but I didn't want to be public. Back then to me being public meant suicide. But in reality I was just to scared to officially commit to him. Of course I was committed to him behind closed doors, but for people to know I was committed to him scared me. But look at me now, I am an Openly Gay Alpha Police Commissioner. What the hell was I so scared of?"

"Do you still love him?" Sero asked

"Of course I do. I didn't break up with him because I stopped loving him. I broke up with him because I would've preferred to protect myself over my relationship. Because I was too selfish."

"Do you want to contact him?" Kiri asked

"I do but what if he doesn't want to see me, in fear that I would bring to much hurtful memories. Or that he hates me. *sniff*" I started to feel my eyes water again.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you Bakugou. If he did then he wouldn't have talked about you so dearly on tv." Jiro said trying to comfort me

"I'm too nervous to contact him anyway."

"The Katsuki Bakugou, nervous. he must really hold a special spot in your heart Katsuki."

"Yeah he does. When I was younger he saved me from falling down this dried out creak. There was all sorts of rock and if I would've fallen I would probably be dead. Then before we started high school some creepy alpha was trying to mess with me in an alley way and he saved me from him too. He did all that for me and for being an omega and fighting off a big scary alpha, that was so amazing. Then in high school when that creep of a teacher tried to make a move on me, he grabbed me and took me to Nezu's office to tell him what had happened. I then had realized that I loved him. I may be an alpha but when it comes to standing up for people and thinking and doing things on your feet he's the best at it. He would make a better commissioner then me if he wanted."

"Sounds to me you're head over heels for him." Kiri said

"I am."

"Then call him!" Momo squealed

"I don't have his number. Plus I would rather talk to him face to face."

*Background noises on a phone*

"He-Hello? Momo? You called?" Someone said but it sounded distorted like it came from a phone.

I looked up and saw that Momo had called him on her phone.

"Here talk to him." Momo whispered as she handed me the phone.

"Helloooo? Momo?"


"You're not Momo."

"*chuckles* No. No I'm not."


"Yeah it's me."


A/N: Awww so cute😊

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