Going Back To Work.

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Izuku POV:

'After the interview Kat took me home immediately. It was a little too personal in the beginning but the interview wasn't that bad over all. They asked me when can the public except a new song or album maybe? I just answered with that we're working on my first music video so that should hopefully come out soon. All of that was days ago, but today Kat and I officially go back to work. So right now I'm making us breakfast while he showers and gets ready. I'm kinda nervous to go back to work. I mean I've never worked in a professional studio before or in an office. My mom is now the head agent at a recording agency, apparently she used to work there before she had me. So I have to meet my mom there at 8:30. I just hope everyone is nice and welcoming.

"Kaaat! Breakfast is ready!" I shout from the kitchen

"Kay!" He shouted back from our room

I set the plates on the table as Katsuki walked into the dining room.

"Morning Kat."

"Mornin' Iz. Muah~"

"You ready to go back to work?"

"Of course I am. I love my job."


"What's wrong? Are you not ready?"

"I think I'm just nervous and being pregnant is going to make it a lot harder without you around."

"Why didn't you tell me this before? I can take another week off to help you adjust?"

"What?! No, no It's fine. I can figure this out, plus I might not be pregnant for much longer anyways. And if I need to see you we could have lunch together, right?"

"Yeah of course Iz, but don't hesitate to call me or text me if anything happens, and I mean anything. Feeling nauseous, vomiting, cravings, cramps, back pains, nipple soreness-"

"Kat~!" I whined as my cheeks started to blush.

"What?! I did some research and it's totally normal for you nipples to start becoming sore, also your pecs will start to become boobs."


"What?! It's so your body can start to produce milk!"


"What, it's normal!"

"Ugh can we not?!"

"Iz, if we go through with this pregnancy we need to be prepared. We can't just wing it."

"Can't this just wait till the month is almost over?"

"No because before you know it, the month will be over. We have 2 and a half weeks to decide, and if we keep the pup don't you want to be ready to understand everything that you are going through?"

"Kat I understand that you want me to be prepared and okay, but this is to much."

"What do you mean "to much"? I just want you to know the basics."

"I know the basics; make sure I'm eating right, take the necessary vitamins, make sure to always have your scent near or on me, be careful of my surroundings, if my nipples or "boobs" hurt to get some cream for them. I know all of this. As an omega I need to know a lot of this, and after I had my miscarriage my mom decided to give me a lesson on how to go through a pregnancy if I ever got pregnant on accident again. I know it's your instinct to make sure the pup and I are okay, but I know all of this. I just don't want you to pressure me to learn or know something that I may not need to know for awhile. So can we just put this off until the last week?"

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