Pr- (short)

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"We're here! We're here! Late, I know but we're here!.." I froze when I saw everyone looking at me with a deadpan face, even my mom looked at me like that! "Sorry." I whispered out as I sat down at the head of the table and Kat behind me.

"Great now that we're all here let's get started shall we. Izuku before we have everyone else speak is there anything that you would like to say or..?" My mom asked.

At first I thought she figured out about the pregnancy but then I realized that she didn't because she was looking at her clipboard and not paying attention to me. I looked at Kat to see if he was alright telling people about the pregnancy, and to be honest I wasn't really sure on how I felt about it either. He looked at me with loving eyes and slightly nodded his head, letting me know that I could.

"Well Katsuki and I found out today that I'm pregnant." Everyone's heads popped up and look at me with shock.

"I do want to let the public know on my term so if we can keep this to ourselves till I announce it that would be amazing."

"Sweetheart that's amazing! And of course we'll keep this to ourselves because if anyone from this room says anything to anyone they will be suspended or worse." My mom said smiling as everyone else looked nervous.

"Thank you."

"Okay let's continue shall we...."

The meeting went on for an hour and a half. I was so bored I don't really do anything in those meetings I just sit and listen as everyone else talks and makes ideas. Luckily the meeting had ended or else I would have died of boredom. The only thing that sounded cool was an up coming artist was going to feature in a song of my choosing. So that's cool, they wouldn't tell me who it was but, whatever. I'm just happy I don't have to sit through that anymore. But before Kat and I could leave my mom stopped us.


A/N: hey guys I know I haven't posted on here in awhile. Things have been crazy and I did something dumb and started writing something else. Don't worry I am still going to write this one. I had just forgot to keep writing this one while I was writing the other for fun and it accidentally took a chunk of my time. Anyways I do plan on taking a a bit longer of a break with this one. I think for the rest of the month if it becomes longer I'll let you all know. I álalo wanted to let you all know that I have an insta that if you want can follow. You can ask me questions about the book of whatever; give me ideas or something. I will also post art of my own and if you have any and my own fan art! Check my profile and my insta should be there. Thank you all so much and thanks for reading!! Love you all! ❤️

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