...Fated Mates.

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(A/N: Hey guys this part is pretty long as well I'm sorry but I'm trying to finish this chapter so we can get into the juicier stuff. I hope you guys like this part)

"Come and eat boys." Was all Inko said to get both men to sit in fear for what's to come.

"Izuku made spicy curry. I'm guessing it's because of your love for spice, Katsuki."

"I-I guess, but you really didn't have to Izuku I'm okay with eating non-spicy food."

"Well I couldn't ask you because you were on the phone calling people." Izuku said looking down at his food, contemplating on whether he should eat the spicy curry.

"Ah yes the phone calls. Who where you calling in there Katsuki?"

"Uh I was calling some people who are in the medical field."

"Oh? What for? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine. I just wanted to check a theory of mine."

"And what would that theory be?"


"What? I'm just trying to have a conversation with the man you brought into my house. Not to mention that you haven't seen him in 7 years and have had no contact since. I just trying to understand why in the world he is here after everything that he has done to you!"


"Izu it's okay."

"Izu? Excuse me mister, last I checked you two weren't friends so why are you calling my son by a nickname."

"Mom leave him alone! He's here because he wanted to talk to me."

"About what?"

"About somethi-"

"The interview he had earlier today." Katsuki said interrupting Izuku.

"What about the interview?"

"Something he said on the interview caught my eye."

"What do you mean caught your eye all they talked about was his career and his music including his new release- ... oh my god!"

Inko had slowly put it together the only real thing that could've caught any old classmates eye was Izuku sharing his story. And the fact that Katsuki wanted to talk to him about something he said. It was so obvious. Katsuki was the one.


"Mom calm down please."

"Calm down! Does he even know what happened to you because of what happened?!"

"I am very aware of what happened and what it caused. I am also very aware of the pain I caused but just so you know I never knew until today. I would have never let that happen if I was around."

"And why weren't you?!"

Katsuki then looked at Izuku for clearance to tell his mom why he wasn't around. Izuku lightly nodded his head yes.

"Because we had broken up."

"Excuse me?"

"We broke up. We had been dating in secret for over a year."

"Then why did you two break up?"

"Because at the time I chose myself over our relationship."

"What does that mean?"

"He didn't want to go public with our relationship."

"I see. So you guys broke up and Izuku was pregnant but none of you knew."

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