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"Leave Kirishima."

"Midoriya I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you. I smelled Kami. Plus you're wearing a hood so I didn't see you hair."

"I don't care you need to leave."

"So what are thought doing here?"

"Kirishima just leave."

"Where's Kami?"

"I don't know, I came to see if he was here."

"How could you not know, he was at your place."

"He was but left soon after. I came to see if he was home, he wasn't answering his phone."

"Yeah he wasn't answering me either."

'I wonder why?🙄'

"Wait, how do you have his keys?"


"Oh, these- these are mine."

"No they're not. I know cause I gave Kami that lightning key chain." He said while pointing at the keys.

"Well uh, Kami gave one to me too."


"Last week, whe- when he came o-over."

"Why are you stuttering?" He started to get closer to me.

'I then started to backup until I hit the door.'

"Do you know where Kami is?"

"N-no. Why- why would I? I-I t-told you that I- I don't know."

"Are you lying to me?" He growled.

"N-n-no!" I squeaked out.

"DONT LIE TO ME!" He yelled as he cornered me and punched the door.

'I could smell that he was releasing angry pheromones, and they were really strong. I started to feel more pain in my stomach. It hurt  so much that my eyes started watering.'

"Please." I said softly.

"Tell. Me. The . Truth."

"I- I ssswwear, I d-don't know. *sniff*"

"Why are you crying Midoriya?" He questioned while growling.


"Or what. What are you gonna do, if I don't?" He growled in my ear releasing more pheromones.

"Ow! It hurts!" I couldn't fight it anymore I crouched down in pain.

It hurt so bad I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Why are you crying? I have done nothing to you!"

"Uggh please stop~!"

"I haven't done anything to you so why are you complaining?!" He yelled hitting the door again, barely missing me.


"Come with me." He growled as he grabbed my colar and started dragging me to the stairs.

'I'm in so much pain I can even open my mouth to scream or cry loud enough for someone to hear me. He then puts me in the back of his car, throwing a blanket on top of me and it's covered in his scent. I start to feel like I can't breath and my vision starts to fade. All I want to have Kat by my side comforting me. I feel the car start, I couldn't even hear anything I was in so much pain. Then it just went dark and silent. Nothing...

Not a sound....

Not a sight....


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