... Siblings. (Part 2)

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"Iz, you okay?"

"Huh, *sniff* wha-what are you doing in here I told yôu to uh I could do it."

"Izu, why are you crying?"

"I'm not. -kmph- *clears throat*"

"Izuku I'm not dumb, I know when your crying. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just didn't think that I would like to have siblings. I guess we all are related, but even though we are different we are very similar. We each have some form of waves or curls in our hair, and we all have a similar-"

"Attitude and personality? Yeah, I saw. So how do you feel about it?"

"I like it, I like them. I-.."




"It's nothing."

"Do I really need to tell you again that I know when it's not nothing?"

"We can talk about it later okay. It's something that we can talk about later, preferably when we don't have company."

"Okay fine, but the moment they leave I'm gonna make you talk." Katsuki told Izuku as he got close to his husbands face.

"Okay~." Izuku gasped.

"Hmhm. Do you want help or..?"

"No it's fine, it's only sandwiches."

"Okay ~muah~" Katsuki said as he lightly kissed his husbands forehead. 

--10 Minutes Later--

 "Lunch is ready!" Izuku yelled from the kitchen.

"Kay!" He heard one of them respond

As the others walked into the kitchen Izuku was setting their drinks down on the table.

"What kind of sandwiches are they?"

"Uh just turkey breast, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and bacon, and if you want any mayo, mustard, or ketchup it's there on the table. Do you guys like turkey cause if you don't we have ham or or we have chicken Katsuki likes chicken."

"No turkey's fine." Hitoshi answered 

"Thank you babe." 

"Just eat you lunch please."

"Yes, dear."

"Haha, are you guy's always like this?"

"No, more of sweet talk than other things."

"You mean sex?"

*Chokes on food.* "That's *cough* That's one thing." Izuku coughed out.


"What? It's not like he's never publicly announced that he was pregnant and the way to get pregnant is to have sex."

"It's rude. Look at his face it's all red."

"Iz, calm down he's right it's all red."

"Can we please talk about something else please."

"Sure. So how do you guys like UA?"

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