Got to...

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A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't written or posted anything. I've been going through some stuff and I has forgotten to write. I am going to try to post on a schedule but it ain't for sure yet so just give me some time on posting I might do it once every two weeks till once or twice a week. Idk yet I'll let u all know. Anyway thank you for all the support, reads, likes, and comments. Let's continue the story!!

Previously on "Am I Ready?":

"Look at it this way. They're both fighting for dominance, which means that the one fights back when other gets their way. When that happens it causes not only you but both pups to not get the proper nutrition. And if it keeps going, none of you will make it through the pregnancy."

3rd Person POV:

"So, for now we take the supplements?" Katsuki asked, hoping they'll work for Izuku.

"Yup. I will look into what else we can do but there isn't any guarantee that anything will work. Just hope and pray it does. The supplements give you all the vitamins, minerals, and protein you need throughout the pregnancy. They are bland, so put a pinch of sugar in your water.I will say it's better to take them first thing in the morning or right before bed. Also try not to take them with any food or flavored drinks. You don't want to take it then throw it up."

"Okay. Do you if there are any fated mates that have had twin alphas?"

"Not in Japan."

"Oh, okay." Izuku sighed.

"I know that this isn't what you both wanted to hear but just have faith." Doc Toyo said reassuringly.

"Thanks, doc." Katsuki thanked, gruffly.

"So all we do is wait and see?" Izuku asked as doc Toyo was about to leave the room.

"Essentially y-"

"I don't want to sit around and hope that it works!"

"Iz what are you saying?" Katsuki asked his omega worried of the answer.

"I'm saying I hate getting bad news all the time! I want everything and everyone to be okay." Izuku stated as he held his stomach.

"Iz, I know this is hard but-"

"No! You don't know what it's like thinking about the future as an omegan father, loving the idea that I'll be giving birth to twins and having a good life. It's different for alphas, you don't bond to your pups the way omegas do. They are our everything, and to think that if none of this works, I'll have to abort one of my pups?! I can't sit around and hope, I need to know. I need to know if it'll work or not." Izuku was scared and worried, he didn't want to lose another pup. He couldn't stand the idea.

"I know it's scary, but I will try the hardest I can to make sure you don't lose any of your pups." Dr. Toyo assured him.


"Well let me get you a list of some home remedies and the food supplements."


"Of course." Dr. Toyo said as he left the couple alone in the room.

"Iz, everything will work itself out. I just know it."

"We'll tell your pups that because they're just hurting all of us and not getting what they want." Izuku pouted.

"Hmhm okay." Katsuki chuckled.

Baku POV:

'After the doctors office we went home and Izu, went back to working on his music. It's how he deals with stress. He writes poems, songs, and whatever else artists do. I just wish he would come to me more. Though he probably thinks the same about me. I just want him and our pups to be okay. When doc told us, if nothing works that we'll have to abort one of our pups, my immediate thought was at least Iz will be safe. As his alpha I need him to be okay, I don't know what I would do if he wasn't.'

"Kat why are you crying?" Izu asked me.

"I'm not, what do you mean?"

"Kat, I could feel your sadness, and you have tears coming down your face. What's wrong?"

I touched my face and Iz was right, I am crying.

"I-I I don't know, I didn't even know that I was crying."

"Well, what were you thinking about?" He asked me, with full attention.


"Oh. A-and I made you cry?" He asked with a little sadness.

"No Iz, I'm just scared is all. Scared that the supplements won't work or the remedies, I am just scared that something will go wrong. I want you to be safe and healthy, even our pups." I told him as I put my hand on his belly.

"Alpha?" I hear him say.

"I'm hungry."

"Well, how about we try the meds first and if you wan to eat something I'll make it. Okay?"

"Okay. What are you gonna do down here? I'm still gonna work for a bit." He asked as I went to get a bottle of water for him.

"I don't know, I'll probably just watch you work or something."

"You know what we should do?"

"What?" I asked him, watching the excitement in his eyes.

"Invite our parents to dinner."

"Including your siblings?"

"Yeah and ooh Kami!"

"Why though, you're barely eating."

"Well, to tell them that I'm pregnant. I mean my mom knows so why not tell them?"

"I guess. You sure you want to invite them?"

"Yeah and I haven't seen my dad or siblings in awhile so it'd be good to see them."

I don't even think he noticed he said it but, I was so proud of him. Though Izu had his mom she was always working and he had no dad. His relationship with his mom growing up wasn't the best. And now he has a dad and his mom and him are closer. Plus there's Hitoshi and Eri, though they're both alphas, they respect Izu and Izu adores them and treats them like any brother would. I'm so proud that he was able to and willing to open up to them.

"Okay then, we'll invite them to dinner tomorrow night."

"Okay great!" He exclaimed as he took the first supplement.


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