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(A/N: Slight Smut warning in this. If you don't like that there will be a ⚠️ to let you know when to skip until you see the next one. Enjoy!)

Izu POV:

'After we talked and discussed a few more things, like how my mom is moving in with Shōta and my siblings. It turns out that a few years after Kat and I graduated from UA they realized that students were getting to comfy with the idea of their partners in the same proximity so, they stopped the whole dorm situation and turned all the dorms into classrooms. Anyways after they all left me and Kat were left to clean up the mess of the dinner. Which wasn't so bad because we picked up almost everything before they left.'

"Izu, now we have a bowl, mug, and glass with no plate to go with."

"Sorry, I'll go buy a plate tomorrow." I reassured him as I hugged him from behind.

"That's not the issue, the issue is that your not gonna be able to just buy a plate. They all came in a set remember?"

"Right, sorry."

"It's fine, no need to stress my baby momma out. I'll just go buy a set and throw away the bowl and cups."

"What did you say?"

"It's fine?"

"After that."

"I'll throw away the bowl and cups."

"Before that."

"I'll just go buy another set."

"Before that!"

"No need to stress my baby momma out."

"Why would you say that?"

"Cause you want a pup right?"

"Are you serious?" 'I instantly got tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, I thought about it and I don't see why we can- Mmph."

'I immediately jumped into his arms and kissed him.'

"You're completely serious right? *sniff*"

"Yeah." He chuckled out.

"Fuck! *sniff* I can't believe I'm crying."

"Is everything all right with you? I don't want this to sound rude or anything but, you've been acting off lately."

"Yeah *sniff* I uh *sniff* got off my birth control and I got a hormone shot earlier to help with pregnancy. So uh *sniff* I'm kind of everywhere at the moment."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you if you said yes but, it's been really hard for me to keep my emotions under control."

"Yeah no kidding."

"Shut up, and if you ever call me baby momma again your sleeping outside."

"What do you want me to call you or our pups to call you, if not momma?"

"Papa, I always liked the idea of someone calling me papa. I know most omega's especially male omega's generally call themselves momma's but that's all I ever heard as a kid. And I want to be different from everyone else."

"Well then I'll call you my baby papa. ~muah~" he told me as he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hmm, I love you."

"I love you too~"

(⚠️ Smut Warning ⚠️)

'Kat then moved his hands to my ass and squeezed it so hard it made me moan, loud.

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