🎆Chapter14: They really-🎆

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'Love is the flower you've got to let grow'Chapter 14 : They really-

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'Love is the flower you've got to
let grow'
Chapter 14 : They really-

'Love is the flower you've got to let grow'Chapter 14 : They really-

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Thats how our story finally started

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Thats how our story finally started.Therefore we decided talking to their other friends who usually sit at our table.

"Am I late?"

*Author:Be ready for our troublemaker to FINALLY ENTER THE STORY!AHHHHHHHHH*

I gasped."Wolfie?!"I glanced at Jay.

"They really- They REALLY- You guy's knew Sunghoon!"I walked back and forth.
"Well Sunghoon mind-linked us to search for him since Alphas attacked him in the forest.After we found him,you were already by his side."Niki rubbed his neck.

"Mind-linked us?How?"

Niki bowed out of respect."I'm Niki,old enough,duh~ and Sunghoons half brother."

Wah there was too much going on.I had no idea."So Sunghoon knew about me being an Omega?"

Niki shook his head along with Jay."We thought you want to keep it a secret so I MAY have erased SOME of his memories so he has no idea that you were there
SORRY HEHE!"Jake hide behind Heeseung who hit his head with his fist.

"Oh Hyungie,is that Jake who you were talking about?" Niki asked curious when he saw Jake leaning against me.Jay was ready to throw hands.

"H-hes been talking about me?Oh my gosh my heart..thats cute.."

I chuckled."Jake control that mind-link of yours."I warned him.I rather listen to JYP songs then hearing his sexual thoughts about the older grumpy Hyung.

"Shut up you called Sunghoon hot!"

"How did you know that I meant Sunghoon?!"ah shit UGH!

Jake laughed his ass off."I di-AHAHA didn't knew it!You exposed yourself!AHAHAHAHA."

I slapped Jake's thighs what made him shut up."Bah Gays only in this room."

Jungwon rolled his eyes sassily."Honey then we can talk about you and Taki huh?"


"Well let's rather talk about you and Heeseung fuc-"

"AHH HELP ME!SUNGO-"Jungwon dragged Niki into one of their rooms at their door and locked the door.At first Niki was screaming but then..it was still.

I gulped when only Jungwon came out.
"I-is he dead?"Jake asked scared when Jungwon licked his lips."Sadly no,just passed out."he giggled.What psychopaths they are.

Jake elbowed me slightly and pointed secretly at Sunghoon who was blushing.

"Stop blushing!I said that because it was fact!"I mind-linked him but it only made him blush more and me getting slowly frustrated and desperated to hug him.

They all started laughing seeing us but Jake and Jay weren't better.

"Sunoo,Jake."Jungwon started.

"We may are only Betas but we know our Hyungs.We will make sure to keep your secret save."Jungwon held our hands and rubbed them together.Heeseung pulled the sheep back into his arms and he relaxed.

Jay kinda flirted with Jake without words,just small gestures and winks.Niki didn't came back,I feel bad for the boy..and..

Sunghoon?He sat down next to me.I could feel his anxiety.He tried finding any words.Jungwon shared his plans how to make it not obvious that we all are friends out of the sudden.People would talk alot if suddely we talk with Jungwon or Niki everyday.

Alphas could read Betas like books so they needed to be careful.

Sunghoon slide his hand around my waist as he sat down next to me properly.He put his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing Broooo?"Heeseung asked him."Do you want to hear the true answer or the cool one?"he asked back when everyone shouted "TRUE!"

"Well Im tired as hell and Sunoo is warm."

I smiled."What would be the cool answer?"Jake questioned.

Sunghoon replied with the most cool answer he could have given me at this moment.He snuggled more into my shoulder.

"I want to be near my Omega."

I kicked my stomach.
"Stupid butterflies!"

"Stupid butterflies!"

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Brave Omega/Omegaverse AU-SunSunWhere stories live. Discover now