🎆Chapter6: Fated mates🎆

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‚Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies'Chapter 6 : Fated Mates

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Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies'
Chapter 6 : Fated Mates

‚Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies'Chapter 6 : Fated Mates

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„I got chicken

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„I got chicken.Want to join me and my friends?"Heeseung asked me but I ignored him.I was working on my lyrics.

He sat down on my bed."Can I..read them?"he pointed at my notebook on my bed.It was full of lyrics.

„Like a fever,fever,fever,fever~"he started singing so I turned around."You hit the notes perfectly."I clapped in tiny when he giggled."The lyrics are catchy,singer?"

I laughed."Silly,we can't be singers or songwriters.."I smiled sadly remembering what my parents said.I'm just on this world to get an Alpha,please them and make puppies....

Sunoo..stop thinking like that.."

Jake heared my thoughts,shit.I wanted to answer something silly back but Heeseung catched my attention.

„Come on,eat something at least.We meet up with an Omega and a Beta,Sunghoon,
Jay a friend of ours and I will be joining dinner."

I shook my head and looked at my lap."You seem shy.Are you scared of something?"Heeseung asked me but I bite my tongue.Hes like the others...a bastard Alpha..


It was weird.I felt him sulking and I'm not sure how it's possible."Whats wrong Jake."

Heeseung joined my side and leaned against my closet."Are you mind-linking with your brother?" I nodded trying to concentrate more so I held my finger up on my lips,gesturing him to shut down a little bit.

I lost my wallet probably in the forest after I shifted...Im sorry."

I rolled my eyes.It was already 8pm,we aren't allowed to leave the Dorm after 10pm...

„I go get it real quick alright?"

He responded with „Are you sure?I can come along."

Taking him with me is too risky because it's already dark.I needed to make a deal with my older brother."Jake,I go get it now and you stay in ur dorm.Thats the deal."

He said „okay I promise"
before our conversation ended.

I stood up completely forgetting that Heeseung is here."You look like you are in a hurry."

„Yea I go out by myself now.Make your friends stay away from MY brother and you too."I made sure to give him a very long glare."Need to go now."

„HeEyY Sunoo okay but do me a favour!Take Sunghoon with you alright?I will make sure no Alpha gets near your brother."

I was about to question it but then he showed me his mark.I gasped."Fated Mates?!"He proudly nodded."I found my fated mate already so I have no desire getting into other Beta pants."

„Why exactly Sunghoon?Cant I go alone?"

„Look this is your first night here.The principal didnt mentioned it but at this hour,the strongest Alphas go hunting.If they don't know you,you are dead.If they mistake you with an animal,we eat you for dinner probably so staying close with Sunghoon is easier."

Well good enough."Just,he's my brother and I only have him left lately okay?Dont let him get hurt..please."

„You know what?"I was about to go out when Heeseung started speaking."I wish there would be more Alphas like you."

My inner wolve smiled brightly...I wish there are real Alphas who are like me too..

„Sunghoon could you join me?I go out now."I asked when I saw him taking a nap on the couch."Sunghoon wake upppp."

Heeseung whispered something into my ear when he left into his room,closing the door behind him.

I blushed..

Alpha" I whispered infront of him.Out of the sudden his eyes widened,his fangs got out and he pulled me to him..on his lap.

My wolve..was..happy?


„Shh..hug..me."he put his face into my neck and snuggled into it.He was
suffocating me with his scent."You..when you said Alpha I got a weird feeling in my stomach..sorry.." he released me from his grip just to see my completely flustered face.I couldn't hold back but getting hugged like that by an Alpha is a beutiful feeling..

„What did you needed?I was sleeping."

„W-well I need t-to go out now.H-heeseung said you should j-join m-me."
I saw him smirking before he held up my chin,staring into my eyes."I never hugged anyone like that before..I never saw suxh beutiful eyes before..."

When I came back to my sense I jumped up from Sunghoons lap and hide my face into my shirt."Dick head!If you want to join me,do it!"I rushed outside just to see the Alpha following me like a puppy who follows its owner.

Why do I have this weird feeling.Why is everything making me feel incredibly tense but happy?What did he say before,weird feeling in stomach?

What do I think about.Alphas wouldn't get interest into other Alphas even tho I hide my second gender.

„Where are we driving?"he asked me.I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to answer.My body was freezing,I shouldn't have wore this outfit for my first day.

„I only have this,take it."he put his jacket over my shoulders,close to my face."You must be freezing,Alphas don't freeze easily but look at you."he tried warming my cheeks with his own hands.

Fuck inner wolve stop purring!You aren't helping me right now!

I wanted to lean closer to the Alpha.It's just been a day but I feel closer to him then anyone else right now...weird..


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