🎆Chapter18: My puppy..🎆

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'Build your own dreams,or someone else will hire you to build theirs'Chapter 18 : My puppy

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'Build your own dreams,or someone else will hire you to build theirs'
Chapter 18 : My puppy..

'Build your own dreams,or someone else will hire you to build theirs'Chapter 18 : My puppy

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"Calm down,it's fine

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"Calm down,it's fine.."Sunghoon patted my back and rubbed it up and down in a slow pace.I was crying because my heat started right after we ate dinner.

Jungwon came over to get Sunghoon out of the room but he insisted to stay here but not to come near me too much..it didn't last long as you already could see..

Jungwon was thinking about how to help me when Heeseung brought us pillows and blankets just in case I need to nest to get comfortable."How do you usually go trough your heats?"Jungwon asked me.

How?Well..I stayed in my room and took suppressants.I know I know,it's bad for me and my Omega body but I could to it otherwise.

I explained it Jungwon who gave me a pitiful look."Is it usually strong?You are still young.."Jungwon asked and I shook my head."J-just cra-craving for skin s-ship more..."I admitted trying to escape the stares from Heeseung and Sunghoon.

Well the couple glared at Sunghoon.I thought Alphas get aroused by the scent of an Omega in heat but..he didn't.Does it mean he doesn't likes my smell?Maybe he's not even interested in me?Maybe I'm a bad Omega.

Jungwon started whipping away the tears on my cheeks."Don't cry,Sunghoon won't do anything to you I promise.He took his own pills."

I gasped.It's very dangerous when Alphas eat pills to contain their own Alpha and their ruts.

Sunghoon didn't looked concerned,he just gave me a smile and held my hand.I was too shy to ask..I really..really needed..

"Cuddles?I can give you some."

Ah shit,once again I dont have my mind-link under control.I waited for him to say he meant it as a joke but when he started getting his own pillow in my room I knew he wanted it really.

"Do you want to build your nest or should I do it?"

I raised my hand.I really wanted to do it by myself what made everyone in the dorm cooed at my behaviour.

Jungwon said he stays here in the kitchen with Heeseung.Heeseung has his fated mate so there was no worry of him attacking me.

Sunghoon leaned against the door frame as he rather proudly looked at me building a nest of blankets and pillows on my bed."Ehm..A-alp-.."I couldn't say it.I was too shy."What is it Omega."

He gave me spines all over my body.I loved how he said Omega to me.It made me feel completed."S-shift?"I asked him.

I wanted to play with his ear and his fur since last time I touched them it was very cozy."Sure pup."he shifted after I did and so we were there.Sunghoon in his wolve form on the floor while I laid in my bed on my stomach in my wolve form and played with his fluffy ears.Once in a while he got flustered but he didn't said anything.

Thats how it went on the whole night.
Whenever I whimpered because of pain,Sunghoon always was by my side rubbing his scent on me and made me calm down.

"Do you want chocolate?"he asked me and I eagerly nodded since I couldn't stand up."Only after you eat the soup Hee made for you.You need to eat healthy more puppy."

"C-can you say that a-aga-again?"I said in tiny hoping he understood what I meant.
"Puppy?Do you like this nickname hm?"
he slowly teased but I couldn't care less.Hearing him calling me puppy made me feel good.

He must have mind-linked someone because a second after that Jungwon rushed into the room with chocolate,
soup,vegetables and fruits.

"Omoomoomo"Jungwon fangirled and in the next second I heared a *klick*

He really made a picture of us-

I couldn't really move but when I felt Jake entering the dorm I howled with my last strength and when I heared him howl back my tail started going left to right happily."Is my brother fine?"Jake entered and glared at Sunghoon.I put my paws on Jakes chest while I licked his face as a welcome gesture.

"Your heat came sooner then it usually does.Did something triggered it?"Jake knew exactly when my heat starts.

I snuggled into his shirt."We will talk about this when you are right in your mind."he suddenly got closer and my wolve got a little bit uncomfortable.

"Get that eyepatch away,it makes you even more uncomfortable.It's old tho,I buy a new one."

Jungwon was now interested as soon as he realised I had an eyepatch on.Jay,Niki and Heeseung agreed.Sunghoon held my paw with his one when Jake took it off.

"Is-is his eye infected?!"Heeseung gasped when he saw my red eye.Everyone reacted like that,most people said it's ugly,no Omega like that should exist.I hide my face into the blanket."He was born with it."Jake explained.

When I looked up,Jay looked conflicted.
Niki had the same expression.

"Why are you so cool!Hee I want to be as special as him too!"Jungwon whined and played with my paw.Cool?I looked cool?

Jake rolled his eyes."I told you it looks special,especially on you."Now everyone agreed and I laughed.They made me feel so much better.

"Okay out now!Sunoo needs to eat!Lets get a snack from the cafeteria."Niki clapped and pushed everyone out.
"Sunghoon mind-link me again."

Alone..again..this time without my eyepatch and food.Sunghoon turned back into his human form and handed me the soup after I followed him in the human form."Oh!Its red too,you look beautiful pup."

I whimpered..I didn't liked him calling me that way..

"Want me to say my pup?"

I hit him before I was eating my food.This heat time was easier to handle then all the others the last few years.So so much easier.

So so much easier

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