Part 3

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   -With Kiyoko and Yachi-

Yachi and I get out of  my car and walked to Hinata's house. Yachi knocked the door .The door then opened revealing an orange haired girl with an over size T-shirt that looks a lot like Hinata. 

{The first picture}

"Hello, we're Hinata's friend , he ask us to came" I said to the girl.

 Suddenly the girl's eyes start tearing and she took our hand pull us into the house.(They already took of their shoes. ) She then take us to a room.

When we entered the room, we can saw the room full volleyball's and boys stuff. She sit on the bad and then signaled us to sit on the bed with her.

"Umm.. okay I know this is weird but... It's me Hinata! I.. I somehow turn into a girl" The girl said while stuttering . 

It took us awhile to process it and when we're back to reality, "HINATA!!!!???"we yelled.

"Hinata... is that really you?" I ask not believing my eyes.

"Y-yes.." she said shyly.

". . . You're a transgender? Don't worry, we support you. You must have your reasoning-"

I was cut off by her saying" Wait!! No! I'm not a trans. I don't even have a reason to be one. It-It just that -I- umm"

"Okay, WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED ,Hinata?" Yachi ask.

"W-Well I'm not sure my self actually. I woke in this body and had a doctor to check me earlier but she said she don't know about what is happening to me. So now I'm stuck as a girl for who knows how long. "Hinata muttered looking like she  might cry.

Yachi  and I hugged her when her eyes start tearing.

"So what and why did you want us to help you ?"we ask.

"W-well ,I just turn into a girl , and .. I don't have any clothes that fit my new body. So I was wondering if we could -- she was cut of by me and Yachi "GO SHOPPING!!" we both said excitedly. Hinata giggled and nodded. Her was sooo cute.



Kiyoko-san and Yachi look happy as they are picking out  some clothes for me. I look at the clothes they took for me and I start worrying for my self." All of it look so.. revealing..' I though. I stayed quit since I was the one who told them they could pick anything and besides I feel bad 'and somehow regret' for taking them from the team...

We shop for hours buying tank tops, mini skirts, knee height socks, and many other girls thing. 'I don't know what it's called. When were done, the three of us are sent back to where we was but we stopped at a cafe that cought our attention  called 'Nikko Cafe' .We ordered our drinks and I treat them for helping me.

After we get our drinks the three of us seat at one  of the tables in the cafe .We chatted with each other with Kiyoko-san and Yachi already plan for another shopping plan at weekend together .Suddenly, Kiyoko-san ask me. "Hinata, you said you have meet a doctor before.. I know that the doctor didn't know about your condition, but.. what about school and the volleyball team? Do you want us to tell the team about your condition right now? I mean.. like what actually the doctor told you ?  " Kiyoko-san ask.

"NO! I... I mean.. the doctor said...







[When the doctor came]

"Ma'am, what seems to be the problem ?Asked the doctor.

"Uh .. well last night I sleep as a boy but... uh.. I ended up awake as a girl." I said trying to hold my tears.

Hm, let me run a test and so we can see what's wrong with you." The doctor said and I nodded.


"So, from the test result... I can tell that you're a very healthy girl. But when I checked your birth certificate it says that you're a boy?" The doctor said looking confused.

Its because I really did born as a boy!" I said panicking. 

"Ok well you see, its look like you're a perfectly healthy girl. There's nothing I can do. But I'll give you an exception for you to taking a week off to learn everything about your new body. So miss you should tell the school about your daughter's  condition and I'll give her a new birth certificate just incase , if she stayed as a girl .The doctor said to my mom.

"Then what about volleyball?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" The doctor ask.

"Oh, when my daughter was still a boy, she used to play in a men's volleyball team in her school. So she perhaps asking if she could play in the team." My mom explained.

"Oh ,I see. But sorry I don't think you can still play in the team but you should ask your school principal to confirm it." Stated the doctor and with that she left.

(sorry...I gotta and it here because I 'm 'nearly late for my online class. Again , I'm sorry for ending it rudely.

Hinata turn into a GIIRL!??Where stories live. Discover now