Part 17

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" PARDON ME!!!?" I exclaimed, totally shocked by my senpai's statement

"What? I said, you're going to look after the men's bathroom meanwhile Hinata took a bath" He repeated his words with a face that look like he's saying something natural

' Seriously!!!!!???? Why me!!?' I though before asking

"But why me?" i couldn't helped, but ask

"Why not?" He answered with a cold smile, and his deadly tone

 I was kinda fazed by it but I tried to hide it

" Why not the king instead?"

"Hinata and I are-"

I was surprised that I found my statement are somehow, stung

"We don't even like each other"

""that's it"

"You're not close with Hinata . So you don't have any problem keeping an eye on her"

That, is the time when I have understood what my seniors meant





~End of flash back~

"And I totally don't like it" Tsukishima said, to the ginger head

"So you're doing this because Suga-san told you?"

"Obviously "

Clearly, even thought Tsukishima was doing it by his senpai's orders,  He was actually weird out to the fact, why didn't his senpai just ask Ennoshita's help. or just do it himself 

He know even thought, Ennoshita and Hinata didn't talked a lot, the older didn't really have problems communicating with the ginger than he does.

He didn't want to do the work so much that he actually just wanted to rest after  those practice matches

Oh, if only, he knew that his senpais were busy taking care of the two crackheads buzzing over the fact Kiyoko's and the other girls are taking a bath

But in matter of fact he wasn't really just doing it for his senpai's favor he actually had an unknown uncomfortable feelings deep in his heart that make him just want to avoid the shrimp

 to say the truth, Suga was actually pretty shocked that the salty middle blocker actually agreed to do the task with just a few convince

Meanwhile Hinata, was actually shocked that Saltyshima would just do it after been ask by his senpai

as far as she know, the tall boy had been disobeying the vice captain a few time already

Honestly, she was already expecting that someone might have been guarding the bathroom while she's taking a bath when she was told that she's going to took a bath in the men bathroom, BUT she DOES NOT, EXPECT IT TO BE TSUKISHIMA

Tsukishima leaned against  the wall at the corridor, avoiding ANY eyes contact with the ginger

He had actually been having the unknown uneasy feelings ever since dinnertime, when he saw Kuroo watching Hinata

So of course the task that his senpai gave him just make things even more worse

"Hurry up"

"I have lots of other things to do you know" The blonde middle blocker from Karasuno  stated pulling of  his salty remarks

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