Part 11

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Hinata is staring at the *item* in front of her.

If someone ever asked her what she hated the most, she won't hesitate to say it's studying or more  specifically          💫MATH💫

Staring grudgingly at the math book in font of her with a cute frown on her face. She keep thinking,

' Why does math invented?'

' How does the mind breaking subject could even exits!?'

" You won't get anything done  by staring at the book you idiot~." Tsukishima said out of nowhere.

It was weekends so Tsukishima agreed to help Hinata with her studies since he already made the bet.

Putting his pen down, he flicked the ginger's forehead waiting for the cute pout that he li- love to see. " Ouch! What was that for, Tsukishima!" She replied glaring at him as she pout .

" You begged me to teach you, yet your not even moving your hand to answer the questions that I've been explaining to you." Tsukishima stated as he started moving his hand ready to poke the ginger.

" Tsukishima stated as he started moving his hand ready to poke the ginger

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{ My stupid edit 〒▽〒; Imagine Hinata as a girl}

"Do you know long I've sacrifice my precious time teaching you? I'm not known for patience."

 He said that though, he would wait. He could stare at the frowning face and he would NEVER get tired of it. Besides, this is a very rare day which he got the Tangerine all by himself without the KING  watching the Tangerine's every move. It's totally the right time to bring their relationship to the next level. Away from the prying eyes of others. Away from Suga's wrath. And of course, away from the Tangerine's simps.

Meanwhile Hinata, pout as she was compared with her other sisters.

" For your information, I even got accepted to Shiratorizawa like my older sisters" she said while crossing her arms over her chest.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow with a look as if he he's holding laugh on his face.

"Seriously? You shouldn't lie if it's obvious you know~" He said, mocking tone as he stopped pocking the poor Tangerine.

" Hey! It's true! Kemi nee-chan accidently put my registered paper for the the entrance exam. I past the exam, but that time I've already set to school at Karasuno. Besides, Nee-chan always told me how strict their coach is. She also mention that he prefer tall people." She explained with a smug look on her face.

" Oh, so  you do know that your short." Tsukishima said with a smirk.

" Damn you!! You don't have to rub it in my face!! " She hissed moving her gaze towards the untouched book. She pick it up wanting to throw it to Tsukishima.

' Damn you Saltyshima!! .(╬▔ 皿▔)  I'll take my revenge!'

Before she could throw the book towards him, Tsukishima grabbed her wrist before pulling her towards him. Using his other hand, he lifted her chin so he could stare right into her eyes.

" Don't make a mess Shrimp." He said with a lazy smile which actually make him look hot.

Tsu- Tsukki- W- What are you doing !?" She asked breathlessly, using her smallest voice she have ever used in her entire High school life.

' W- why is Saltyshima acting weird .' 

{their position kinda like this; imagine hinata as a girl; imagine Kageyama as a Tsukishima;  One of Tsukihima's hand hold her chin     o(TヘTo) }

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{their position kinda like this; imagine hinata as a girl; imagine Kageyama as a Tsukishima;  One of Tsukihima's hand hold her chin     o(TヘTo) }

Hinata swear she just felt that her heart just skip a beat whether their closeness or the lazy smile that her fellow middle blocker is giving her.

Seeing the girl in a stuttering mess because of him doing, made his heart beat faster than the frick duo's quick attack.

" What do you think I'm doing, Hm~?" He replied, coming closer to flustered the Tangerine more.

She can now feel his hot breath as he   speaks, and the way he gently caressed her delicate cheeks with his thumb made her cute face explode in various shades of red.

She can also feel the warmth that is emitting from his body through his fingers and she doesn't sure why exactly she's feeling like she's close to having a fever.

Hinata don't know why the blonde is acting like that but she's very sure that it's making her more muddle head than the math questionnaire she was 'answering'  earlier.

Meanwhile Tsukishima was having the moment of his life teasing the flustered Tangerine. He LOVES the girls reaction he's getting. His smile got wider as the time passes by, before it turn into  a VERY RARE grin.

This is the closest he had ever been to the girl and it's making his heart beat faster and louder that he could hear it. 

'I hope the Shrimp are tooo flustered that she didn't even heard it.'

The feeling of bliss his getting at the moment is something he had forgotten before.

He felt genuine happiness.

He never knew being close to the Tangerine, seeing she flustered because of him, would make him feel millions of emotions at the same time.

That time, is the moment.. Went Tsukishima realizes that he.. Is in love.

'What.- What is this feeling.. My- My heart beat are going soo fast. Is- Is this what people called LOVE? Wait- I- I like the SHRIMP?'

God knows how much Tsukishima restrained his feelings before. Now, he *finds out* he's true feeling to the tangerine.

He swears that he would never hold back this time since he knows that he WILL have many rivals. But of course, he would never admit it to others.

"L-Let go. I- I still have t-to finish it-!" Hinata said as she can't handle the heat she's getting anymore.

She feels like she will certainly faint if Tsukishima continue what he's doing.

Tsukishima place the hand that was still holding the girls wrist to his waist, pulling closer while still keeping an eye contact with the Tomato looking Tangerine.

"What's this? Shrimp's interested in studying now~? Weren't you just about to throw the book?" he said with a smirk plastered on his face. 

' This is bad. I could feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.' He though while trying to control the overflowing excitement and happiness in his heart. 

He never felt this happy teasing someone. He never felt this roller coaster of emotions to another person ( I that right?)

The both of them continue to stare at each other as one of Tsukishima's hand started to move to her waist 

( Sorry, I'm lazy soo.. I 'll go now bye~)

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