Part 9

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(BTW, it's still the flash back)

I was borrowing some of my favorite books when I saw Hinata. She is in front a tall book shelf, reaching a very thick text book. I then saw she grit her teeth in annoyance.

'Pftt.. Moe. WAIT. NO. She's not cute' I though.

Then, I saw she's taking her position. She then jumped. I quickly catch her as she fall.

"Tsukishima!?" She said

"What-? Gwaah-!" She stutter as she struggled making she fell once again. Luckily, I was fast enough to catch her butt few seconds before it landed to the floor.

"Ouch" Hinata winced.

"You idiot. Why would you pushed me like that?" I said.

" S- Shut up. I'm not an idiot. It's your fold for surprising me"

"Hey I helped you from falling didn't I?"

She didn't response. It's making me pissed, so I looked at her.

Hinata is glancing at the thick book she was trying to reached, then she looked at me again.

"Ermm..m Tsukishima c-can you help me take that book over there? "She asked.( Now, if you're asking why wouldn't she just asked her sisters, then just forget it. I wanted to put some Tsukihina in here. though it would be a futile even if she did asked since her sisters can't stay everyday at home because they're hook in Shiratorizawa's dorm system.)

{not my art; it not really look like this tho Hinata just point at the book, Tsukishima didn't touch Hinata's hand either and please imagine Hinata as a girl }

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{not my art; it not really look like this tho Hinata just point at the book, Tsukishima didn't touch Hinata's hand either and please imagine Hinata as a girl }

"Oh, I don't want to ruin your pride." I said making a smug look.

"You- P-please~?" She asked with pleading eyes.

'... Stop looking at me like that. Your making me loose my self.' I though. 

"Ugh.. Fine.. here." I groaned in frustration as I handed her the book.

"Thanks Tsukishima!!"(Just reminding, Hinata just whispered yelled so it's not that loud.) she said as she took the book from me.

Once again, she when quiet while staring at the book.

I was about to asked her what's wrong but she asked me first.

"A.. Ano, Tsukishima can you help-"

"NO" I said cutting her words, knowing what she's going to ask me.

'Don't even think to ask it, I could never say no if you ever ask it with that cu-. No, she's not.. UGH. What's wrong with you Kei?!"


I was about to ask him again, but he already left. I wanted to chase him, but I ended up went to the bathroom.

After done with my stuff in the bathroom, I went to my class and use the rest of the recess to study the book I just borrow from the library, which not really that surprising, but I'm still surprise since I would usually went too practice or eat. I read the book and studied the book while  making notes. 

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