Part 16

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(Okay, I just wanna make stuff clear, Hinata and Kageyama arrive in the afternoon)

Coach Nekomata glared at Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei, who blanched in horror seeing the Tangerines sudden actions.

The oldies then look back at the ginger and said

"No offense kid, but this is boys volleyball"

"Please! Coach !" Hinata pleaded again

"..." Coach Nekomata looked at the girl straight to her eyes trying to lookk intimadating. Shocking him that the ginger didn't even flinch or done anything at  all.

"What's your name kid?"


"U- Uhh..About that, we gotta discuss with you coach Nekomata." Takeda-sensei said, while Coach Ukai were putting his hand at the ginger's mouths not allowing her to talked any further.

"Huh?" Nekomata was literally stunned by what's happening. Suddenly, he found himself were dragged into  random hallway






"What was that?" Asked one of the annoying boys

"Don't know. Man, that was weird."

"Right? But seriously, who's that girl? "

"Yeah, who's she? Damn she's cute"

" 'Know, right?"

Karasuno, who heard those comments were literally disgusted and mad.

"Grr!! They're not going to mess with our kouhai!" Said Nishinoya and Tanaka in unison

"Calm down, you two. Don't make any troubles." Said Daichi warning the two trouble makers of Karasuno

"Yeah, besides, you guys are not the only one, who is mad right now." Agreed Asahi, while pointing at Sugawara Koushi

Both trouble makers follow where Asahi's were pointing and saw a certain silver haired boy, 'smiling' widely, with anger, foaming all over him.

". . . What should we do now, Daichi-san?" Ennoshita asked to their captain

"Well for now, I think it's better if we calmed Suga down first"

"Huh? Why is that Daichi-san" asked Kageyama wonder why the captain suggest something like that

"Well, Suga had always value Hinata more than any other person in the team,"

"And he had been more protective towards Shrimp ever since he turn into a girl" Said Tsukishima continuing Asahi's speech.

"Yup. So now, it's better we took care of Suga before he murdered someone that would started a chaos and make stuffs become more complicated" Exclaimed Daichi, while nodding .

". . . EHHH!? Tsukishima!?"

". . . What?" The tall first year ask

"You realizes that to, Tsukii?" Asked Yamaguchi to his childhood friend, while his senpai calming an angry mama crow

" HAHAHA, ALRIGHT LITTLE GIRL, YOU GOT ME! NOW GO OIT THERE AND PLAY! " Said Coach Nekomata and could be heard from the hallway, making all the volleyball teams flinch, not letting Tsukishima answered his friend's question.

"Thank you SO MUCH, COACH!"

The red haired girl, who came in with the setter of Karasuno was like a stun grenade, bombing everyone to shock. Not just, that she had make such an entrance, she's even bold enough to asked Coach Nekomata to play along side with Karasuno.

Hinata turn into a GIIRL!??Where stories live. Discover now