Part 8

663 11 4

~The Next Morning~


It was Friday afternoon, Shoyo, her sisters and the crows manager are busy trying some clothes. To be more specific, it is actually Shoyo who was trying the clothes while the other girls are picking clothes for her.

She is so bored, but she couldn't say no to her sisters and the managers because she knows how scary they would be if she tries to refuse.

"Nee-chan, Kiyoko-san, Yachi-san can I rest now? trying on all hundreds of clothes that you guys gave me are making me tired. But shouldn't you be hiding your face from the crowd Hika-nee? Who knows what paparazzi would do if they see you " The younger ginger said, reminding the older.

  "Fine.. let's take a break. Oh, and don't worry about me. I already informed my agencies about this. Besides, nothing bad wouldn't happen. I've already post that I'm having a date with my sisters and friends in social media.. I've already reminded them not to disturb us," Hikari said to her younger sister.

 'WOAH! So being a famous singer has it perks like that to. I wonder if  I become a famous volleyball  player, I will be able to do that.' Shoyo though

Sighing in relief, she began to change back to her original clothes.

"Kemi, Kari. Have you guys found the clothes for Natsu and Mom? Oh, and Kiyoko-kun and Yachi-can, are you guys done?" Hikari ask, looking at the other girls,

"Already done Hika." Answered Akemi.

"Yep~ We've found the perfect one for them~" Akari seconded.

" We're done Hikari-kun/ Hikari-san." Kiyoko and Yachi said.

"Sho, go pay op. I'll go buy you some under ******(You know ) clothes for you. I know you wouldn't last if I ask you go to the store." She said as she handed the smaller ginger her card and motion the girl to go to the register. Good thing she could give an excuses for not letting Shoyo to go with her, If not, who knows what would've happen.

"Kari, Kemi. You guys come help me." As the three twins headed to the lingerie store, Hinata and the two Karasuno's volleyball manager head to pay for the clothes .

As they were lining up, they could heard some girls silently gossiping in front of them.

"Ne, Do you saw Oikawa-san earlier," 

"Yeah, he was soo handsome"

"You bet, the other members of Seijoh were there to! All of them are so HANDSOME"

"Yup, were soo luck today"

The ginger and the two managers just ignore it but then the ginger head start to think.

' wait.. Oikawa-san.. Seijoh...'

' AHH It's Grand King! why would they be here though?'


~At a nearby place~


"Oi, Shittykawa, are you sure the famous singer Hikari is here?" Iwaizumi ask his childhood friend (Or crush? :>)

" I've told you she posted earlier that she's having a date with her sisters and friends here in Miyagi" Oikawa answered not looking at hid childhood friend.

The whole Seijoh members just sigh. They don't know why would they agreed to come accompany their captain searching for a person they barely knew.

"Oikawa-san, why actually are you looking for    Hikari-san anyway? does it have anything to do with us?" Kindaichi ask the brunette.

Hinata turn into a GIIRL!??Where stories live. Discover now