Part 13

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(It was originally supposed to be  nobody's pov, but I realizes I'm to focus on the story plot that I forgot who's thinking it.)

"Okaa-san!?"  I yelled, wide eyed seeing mom standing in front of us.

' Heck! She just saw we fight like graders !'

I brushed of my though and started to asked her.

"I though you said your going to Tokyo!?"

"I supposed to. But there's some problem at the train station. So I decided to just not go." Mom replied while placing her handbag on top of the table.

" Ah! Don't mind me. Continue your discussion~" She said making me embarrassed of our actions.

' think about it again, it was really, REALLY childish'Kei though

I choose to ignore mom's tease and ask her why she's home, unintentionally ruining my sweet time with MY Shrimp.

" Taxies and Buses exist!"

" What? Kei, honey, I'm not spending about thousands of yen paying for taxi just to meet my high school batch mates who I barely know! Heck, I even barely remembered their names!" She said before turning her attention to Hinata.


" YOU! Tsukii's mom exclaimed loudly, placing her hands on both of my shoulders.

" Y- YES!"  

I felt my heart beat beating so fast.

' Tsukii's mom just caught me quarreling with her son! Am I gonna got scolded!? '

" I-I-I'm So-" As I was about to throw her millions of apologies, I was interrupted by Tsukii's mom's millions of question.


(Tsukishima's mother)

"You're so pretty! Look at those big sparkling  eyes, of yours! Your hair's are soo soft and silky! You look like a doll! Kyaa!! You're soo cute!! Do you want to be my daughter-in-law?" I said.

It seems like the girl couldn't keep up with all my compliments and questions. Well it was actually overwhelming.

"Y-Yes! I- T- Thank you!" I heard the girl answered.

I then saw Kei came and pull the cute girl.

" Mom, let her breath." Kei said.

When I see my son's exasperated behavior, had me an enlightenment .

'Kei's being nice! Oh, my! My dear, Kei likes her!' I giggled at my own though.


" Are you Kei's girlfriend ?" Akane asked.

Both Hinata and Kei turned into deep shade of red, hearing the older woman's sudden question.

Hinata, was having a hard time on choosing what she should answered.

She panicked internally.

' W- What should I say? If I say NO, would Tsukii's mom feel offended? B- but if I say YES, I'm sure Tsukishima would scold me!'  (X﹏X) Hinata though

After thinking for awhile, ( not that long) she opted for the safest option for the sudden question's answer.

" I- I'm his volleyball teammate and friend, ma'am!" The Tangerine girl answer, gripping the bottom of the over sized graphic tee, tightly.

Hinata turn into a GIIRL!??Where stories live. Discover now