Chapter 17

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A/N: Kind of a short chapter. Hope you like it :)

"What are you talking about?" Belle asked.


"It's an anagram," Cindy said. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen off a desk near her and wrote Herb's name down for Belle to see. She looked closely as Cindy explained. "See, if you rearrange the letters you get different combinations of names until one sticks out." She heard Belle gasp as she saw the name on the paper.


"Are you telling me that Herb—"


"Is The Grim Brothers," Cindy finished for Belle.


"But... but... I mean..." Belle flustered.


"It makes sense, doesn't it?" Cindy asked, "At least we know where the prophecy stemmed from."


"But those stories are purely fiction! You'd have to be crazy to think that Snow White was true," Belle said.


"As if the Ensorcels haven't proved themselves enough?" Cindy scoffed. Belle nodded, and we sat in silence for a few minutes. Cindy knew it was a crazy to believe that Herb Ergots Mirth was The Grim Brothers, and if Belle—the logical person in the group—was starting to believe in her theory, then Cindy knew it was crazy.


A nurse popped her head in the room. "Ah, I see you are awake!" she exclaimed. Belle and Cindy jumped at the sudden intrusion. "May I come in?" the nurse asked, "I need to check Cindy's vitals."


"Will I be able to leave once you check them?" Cindy asked hopefully.


"Vitals first, leaving second," the nurse said in a heavy unidentifiable accent.


"I'll just get out of your hair and wait outside," Belle said. She looked at Cindy and said, "I'll tell our friends you're okay." There was also an underlying statement there such as "And I'll let them know about your crazy idea that actually might be very correct!"


The nurse nodded at Belle, then faced Cindy, "Okay, first we check blood pressure."




Cindy tripped and fell on her face as she exited the medical wing of the palace.


"Are you alright?" Belle asked, trying to stifle a laugh.


"Just help me up," Cindy grumbled. Belle grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Belle told Cindy that she had already informed Nick and Jaz about our latest discovery. As they walked through the castle, Cindy spotted a few maids bustling and hustling, dusting the halls from top to bottom. The curtains were drawn and the sun shined through the window. People were barking orders here and there as decorations were hung up. A couple of maids and men maneuvered around them as Belle and Cindy strolled through the halls. "Uh Belle? How long was I out?" Cindy asked.


"About three days," Belle stated.


"Three days? That means... the ball is tonight?" Cindy asked. She felt a flood of stress wash over her like a raging river. "Why didn't I wake up sooner?"


"Don't ask me! It was you who fainted when you did."


"Belle, now is not the time to joke. We need to set perimeters, have the knights and guards stationed at every corner of the palace, send for back up, and..."


Belle shook her. "Cindy! It's all been taken care of. When you were resting, the three of us did everything. You know we wouldn't let you down, right?"


Cindy sighed, "I know. It's just I haven't been great at this leader thing and I'm just worried. On top of that, and I hate to say it, but I've got major boy problems."


"Stop it," Belle ordered, "Everything will be fine. You'll see."

Belle gave Cindy a small smile and squeezed her hand as reassurance. As they walked back to Jaz and Nick, Cindy couldn't help but think everything would turn into a disaster.

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