Chapter 8

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Cindy woke up early the next morning. She groaned as she stretched in bed. She glanced at the other bed to see that it was empty. Seemed like Phoenix had woken up earlier than Cindy to start the day's chores. Standing, she walked over to the bathroom mirror and gave herself a once over. Man, she looked like crap. Cindy had dark circles underneath her eyes, and they were puffy from crying last night. Her complexion was white, and Cindy looked like she was sick. Cindy's blonde hair was so tangled that it looked like twisted spaghetti. She could just tell this was not going to be a good day. Sighing, she started to freshen up.

Cindy stripped down and stepped inside the shower, letting the hot water cascade down her skin. It felt good, as if it was washing away yesterday's events from her mind. It didn't work. As she reached for the soap, her mind flashed back to the fiery explosion. Cindy saw the images of the car blow up into a million pieces and the unsuspecting faces of the two men ripped apart. Cindy closed her eyes and felt herself shudder. She slowly slid to the floor of the shower and sat there. She didn't move from her spot until the water had turned icy cold. She was in the process of drying her hair, when a knock came at the door. Cindy stopped and opened the door. It was Mary.

"Hey Mary," Cindy said, trying her best to muster up a smile.

"Cindy," she cried, wrapping her arms around Cindy, "thank god you're okay!" Shocked by this sudden intrusion, Cindy didn't respond. Here was a girl Cindy barely knew, who was worried to death about her. Mary reminded Cindy a lot of Belle. Cindy's heart ached for her friend. Mary finally let Cindy go and looked at her, "You are okay, right?"

"Yes! I'm fine! Why does everyone keep asking me this?" Cindy said annoyed. This was the umpteenth time someone had asked Cindy how she was doing-and it wasn't even breakfast yet. Seeing the hurt look on Mary's face, Cindy quickly apologized, "Sorry, it's just been a rough morning."

"Then hurry up! Phoenix and I are waiting for you. We're starving." Mary stated. Cindy laughed as Mary dragged her to the kitchen. When Cindy and Mary reached the kitchen, Dameon was awkwardly sitting at the table with Phoenix. Dameon saw Cindy and immediately perked up. Phoenix, spotting the change in appearance in the young prince, turned around.

"There you are!" Phoenix said happily.

"I'm here," Cindy said lamely. Cindy and Dameon made eye contact, and they both awkwardly looked away. Mary and Phoenix saw the exchange and giggled silently.

"So, uh, I guess we better get going," Dameon said. Cindy eyed him up and down.

"Not the way you're dressed up," Cindy said.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Dameon asked. He was wearing a dress shirt and a pair of black pants with dress shoes.

"It's fine... for a prince. But we need to look like commoners if you really want to experience the plaza," Cindy said. She turned her attention to Phoenix and Mary, "Do you guys have any extra uniforms lying around?" Phoenix and Mary looked at each other and grinned.

A few minutes later, Dameon was dressed up like a male servant. Phoenix had given Cindy an older version of the maid uniform. It was a raggedy old thing. The uniform was plain and brown with a simple neckline. The uniform also came with an apron; Cindy tied it on around her waist and slipped on the flats that came with the dress. She fit a handkerchief around her head.

"Ah! You look so cute," Phoenix gushed. Cindy gave Phoenix an eye roll, but spots Dameon looking at her. "Looks like Dameon thinks so too," Phoenix whispered to Cindy.

"Ahahaha, um, ready to go Dameon?" Cindy said awkwardly.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Dameon replied. Cindy took Dameon by the hand and waved goodbye to Mary and Phoenix who were giggling and waving to Cindy and Dameon. Realizing she was still holding his hand, Cindy dropped it and stepped a few feet from Dameon. Dameon didn't seem to notice. "So what are we going to do at the plaza?" he asked Cindy.

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