Chapter 4

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Cindy was currently sitting in King Carter's office with Dameon and Phoenix. Dameon had an ice pack over his eye, while Phoenix was looking at Cindy as if she was the holy god. King Carter, looked mad.

"Cindy, care to explain why you punched my son?" Cindy opened her mouth to speak, but Phoenix put her hand on Cindy's shoulder. Cindy looked at her. She was shaking her head.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Cindy said, "It was... a personal reason."

"Oh?" King Carter responded. He waited for Cindy to explain. She twiddled her thumbs. Cindy couldn't exactly say that she punched King Carter's son because she liked him and was hurt when Dameon really didn't do anything wrong. She was trying to think of a good lie, but King Carter spoke again,

"So you punched my son. For a personal reason." Cindy winced. He made her sound like a bitch. Cindy glanced at King Carter again, and she could tell that she had already messed this up. There was no way he was going to keep her around now.

"Dad, it doesn't matter," Dameon stated coming to Cindy's rescue, "what's done is done. She can't take it back." Cindy stared at him. Phoenix was looking back and forth at Dameon and Cindy. Phoenix had never seen Prince Dameon stand up for anyone. He would usually sit back and let his father decide on the punishment. Phoenix decided that Prince Dameon must have met Cindy somewhere before and Dameon had developed an interest in Cindy. Phoenix giggled internally as she thought about their encounter. Phoenix saw Dameon looking at her questioningly, and Phoenix immediately composed herself. She would talk to the prince about this later.

"If you're sure son," said King Carter. He looked at Cindy, and she flushed under his gaze.

"I'm certain," Dameon answered. King Carter still didn't look to sure about his son's decision. Neither did Cindy. From everything she'd seen this past month, there had to be something up his sleeve. King Carter was about to speak, but Dameon cut him to it. "Will that be all?" King Carter glared at his son. Cindy thought it looked like father and son were fighting, but King Carter finally nodded.

"Very well. Now that that's settled, I have certain affairs to attend to," King Carter said. The three of them bowed when King Carter left. Phoenix was frozen to the spot, but Cindy knew she had to thank Dameon for saving her behind.

"Um, hey" Cindy said walking to him. Dameon gave her a bored look, but Cindy could still see the anger underneath. "I, um, I, uh just wanted to than-"

"Save it," he said coldly. Cindy stopped talking, shocked at the icy coldness of his voice. He got up from his chair and turned to leave the room. Cindy stopped him and turned him around to face her,

"What is your problem?" she asked in a low voice, hoping Phoenix wouldn't hear.

"I don't have a problem," Dameon said haughtily, "you do." He turned around and left Cindy there speechless.


She couldn't believe it! She could not freaking believe it! She did not have a fucking problem! He was the one with the fucking problem! Cindy ran a hand through her tangled hair and stomped about in her room. She was staying in Phoenix's room for the time being, but Cindy didn't mind. The maid's chambers were far far away from Dameon's room, giving her an ample distance if Cindy ever wanted to strangle Dameon. Cindy plopped down on her bed, which had blue comforters with satin purple pillows. She don't know why a maid would have satin pillows, but hey more power to them. Cindy repeatedly punched the pillows. Damn, she was in a bad mood.

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