Chapter 13

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A/N: Beautiful covers done by AnyssWhite!

"The Ensorcels?" Jaz gulped. Cindy was shocked too. Why would three of the princes have this symbol with them?

"Are you absolutely sure?" Cindy asked. Belle nodded. "That's what I was afraid of," Cindy groaned.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"I first found this symbol carved into the castle doors of Strongiron, then here in Dameon's room, and then I spotted it again on that night," Cindy said. She gave Belle a sad look, "Elliot had one tattooed below his ear." Belle looked at Cindy in disbelief. Cindy looked away.

"That's not a coincidence," Jaz started, "and I can bet that the other four princes have it too."

"Which means, the princes can't be trusted," said Belle sadly. Cindy and Jaz nodded sadly.

"That's too bad; I actually liked them," Nick said. Cindy knew that Nick could sense that the girls were upset. He wasn't blind that each girl had taken a liking to a prince, and now that they couldn't trust them. Cindy wondered if this is what Nick felt, the pain he described. If so, Cindy didn't know how strong Nick was. "Why do these people, the Ensorcels, keep showing up anyways? Who are they?" Nick asked, interrupting Cindy's thoughts.

"That's the weird thing," Belle started, composing herself. Cindy could tell that Belle was still upset, but she knew that Belle wouldn't let this get her down. Belle continued. "This group was pretty much nonexistent until a couple of years ago." Belle sifted through some papers and handed Cindy one. "See, right there." She pointed at an article while Cindy read.

Shots were fired on May 3rd, when an attack against a Supernatural care home surfaced. The home belonged to a mixed family, Diane and Earl West. Diane, a witch, and Earl, a human, met each other on a road trip in the Earth realm where they married and had two kids. Upon the antagonistic views against Supernaturals, Diane and Earl decided to set up a care home for those who felt lost or needed a home to Supernaturals and humans. They were supposed to be celebrating their ten year anniversary, but on this happy day, a tragedy shook the world.

Knights found the home in shreds and the residents of that home hung, shot, severed bodies—a total massacre. Police searched the house for any survivors, but left discouraged. No one had survived. Not even Diane and Earl who were found on the floor of their bedroom holding hands.

As accusations flew, the knights have identified a suspect: a group that goes by The Ensorcels. Not much was known about the group until a few days ago when another massacre was committed. It seems clear that The Ensorcels want the absolute destruction of Supernaturals all across the Seven Kingdoms. The insignia of the group is a three leafed figure outlined in red and black. Knights are not sure if the West's had any ties to the terrorist group, but are double checking everything. The knights warns the public to be wary, but not to fear the group. They state they have everything under control, let us hope that they do.

Note: As of May 10th, POSBA has taken over the case of The Ensorcels.

Time seemed to still as Cindy reread the last line. She never realized how closely her dad had worked on this case. It's the only way that Leonard Blu knew about her father. Cindy scanned the article again, pausing when she found the date: May 12, 2011.

Cindy shut her eyes as her mind flashed back. Cindy was in her father's office, snooping through his files, practicing to be an spy. She quickly snatched a file and read the title. Just as she was about to open it, Cindy heard a noise. Quickly, Cindy had hidden in her father's office closet when she heard her parents enter. Cindy heard glimpses as her mother and dad yelled at each other, including the words "screwing," "supernaturals," and "leaving." Cindy chose to leave before she heard anything else, slipping through a trapdoor she had found during her early childhood in the closet. The door led her through a tunnel to her room, where she laid on the floor till morning. She couldn't sleep the rest of the night. The next morning, Cindy heard an engine rev. She kept listening as the roar of the engine grew quiet, the further it went.

"Cindy?" Belle asked, waking her from her stupor, "Are you okay?"

Cindy inhaled deeply, "I'm fine." Cindy turned her attention back to the article. "See this date here," Cindy pointed it out, "I remember my dad taking up a big case a couple of days before that."

"So do you think your dad knows about them?" Nick asked.

"Maybe. I do remember he had a file in his office," Cindy said, "But it's probably long gone by now." Cindy slumped into a chair.

"Then what are we waiting for? Can't Belle just hack into POSBA's head quarters?" Jaz asked.

"No," Cindy stated, "This was a big case. That means my dad has a paper copy of the file in his office. He didn't want to risk the chance of getting hacked. But I do have an idea on how we can get the file." Jaz, Nick, and Belle leaned in closely as Cindy continued. "I can enter POSBA's headquarters in a disguise. Belle would have to come with me so we can breach POSBA's systems."

"What about us?" Nick asked.

"I think it would be the perfect time to visit the West's house again. See if you can find any other clues, a shoe, a parchment, a hair sample, anything that the knights and POSBA might have missed," Cindy said, "I'm guessing there's something more in that house that POSBA and the knights don't want the public to see." Jaz and Nick nodded. They decided to carry out the plan the next night, and Nick left to patrol the kingdom. Jaz was narrowing down their selection of weapons when Belle pulled her aside.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Why do you keep asking me that?" Cindy asked, yanking her hand out of hers. Cindy saw a brief flash of hurt in Belle's eyes before she pulled herself together again.

"I keep asking you that because I'm your best friend. I know you well enough that when you say you're fine, you're usually lying," she retorted. Cindy opened her mouth but nothing came out. Belle was right of course, as she always was. Cindy wasn't fine. Not at all.

Cindy sighed, "You're right. I'm not fine. I-I was j-just remembering Mom." Belle's eyes grew with sympathy. She knew the backstory of my mother. The morning Cindy heard the engine, she raced downstairs and saw her father in a complete wreck. He was kneeling at the entrance of our house, and Cindy could hear sniffling. It was the first time she had seen her dad cry, and she didn't know what to do. Cindy slowly crept toward him and held a hand out. Dad looked up and placed something in Cindy's hand, her mother's necklace, before walking away. Cindy remembered holding it tightly as her life was flipped upside down.

"I thought that might be it. That's the day your mom left, right?" Belle asked. Cindy nodded. "Have you talked to anyone about it?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'd rather not, but I should be asking you if you're okay. With Elliot," Cindy trailed off when she saw Belle's sad face.

"Like you've always said Cindy, fate is prewritten. I can't change it," Belle said sadly.

"When have I ever said that?" Cindy asked frustrated. "First Dameon, then you! I'm sure I've never said that in my life." Belle looked at Cindy suspiciously.

"Why would Dameon say that? Did something happen? You know you still haven't told me about that night," Belle said.

Cindy blushed, cursing herself for the slip-up. "Let's just back to work Belle."

"But Cindy-"

"Please Belle," Cindy pleaded. She turned back to her work, avoiding the inevitable look of hurt and worry on Belle's face. "Let's just get back to work."

"You're the boss," Belle muttered. Cindy gripped the sides of her seat, but eventually let it go. Now was not the time to fight with Belle. She had a mission to finish.

Cindy - A Princess Spy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now