Chapter 24

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Cindy smirked at her mother as she grew frustrated with her. Cindy was sitting on the bed her mother had provided Cindy as the knights and her minions ransacked Cindy's room. "Just tell me where the damn shoe is!" her mother finally yelled.

"I don't have it," Cindy shrugged.

"You what?" her mother yelled angrily. King Carter was at her mother's side in an instant, trying to comfort her. Ever since Cindy's arrival to this dungeon, she made good on her promise. She was making life hell for her mother. Amy had been searching for weeks through Cindy's stuff to see if she could find the shoe. As her mother continued on with the senseless search, Cindy had watched the news.

Outside this safe house it was anything but safe. The world as Cindy knew it had fallen into chaos. As soon as Supernaturals had heard of the attack, they all retaliated. Homes and businesses were brought down as the people of Greylyn fled the kingdom to reach safety. By the end of the month, the kingdom of Greylyn had fallen to the Supernaturals. The other six kingdoms were working endlessly to prevent a war from happening, but since the people living in these kingdoms heard of the corruption at Greylyn, there was not a lot of support for the royal families, or the staff for that matter.

Fights between Supernaturals and humans were breaking out, creating a catalyst for the start of war. The news said that POSBA was doing its best to keep these fights under control, but since the death of Cindy's dad things haven't been going well. Everyone in the seven kingdoms were beginning to face the reality of war.

Cindy's mother slapped King Carter's hands away, annoyed. Cindy noticed Dameon leaning against my door frame, looking bored and sullen. Since they've come here, he'd been acting like that. It irked her that he didn't even seem to care what was happening to the world around him. In fact, he altogether stopped talking to her. If they were anywhere in the same vicinity, he'd ignore her. Cindy missed the boy she had talked to at the fountain that day, but she was completely fine with this silence. She had nothing to say to Dameon. The only thing they did seem to have in common these days was the growing dislike of Cindy's mother.

"What did you do with that shoe Cindy? Tell me now!" her mother demanded.

"The PSA has it." Cindy responded. Amy looked at Cindy, outraged. The pure anger on her mother's face was enough to cheer Cindy up instantly. Belle had wagered that Cindy's mother had taken the wrong shoe, and since Cindy had the other shoe, the two of them decided to put it somewhere safe where no one but the PSA could find it.

"Why you insolent girl!" her mother yelled, lunging at Cindy. Cindy felt fear course through her as her mother came at her, teeth bared. Cindy stuck her hand out to protect herself and blue streaks flew from her palm. Her mother was knocked to the ground, shocked. King Carter was at the ground in an instant and Dameon set his steady gaze on Cindy. Cindy froze. Had she just used magic again? "Y-You have magic?" her mother asked after being helped up.

"I-I--" Cindy said.

"She has magic," Cindy's mother said to King Carter. Cindy's mother chuckled to herself. "I can't believe that he wasn't lying. Robert, that sneaky b*stard." Her mother stared at Cindy. "Looks like you've become much more valuable to me than that stupid shoe. To the dungeon! At once!" The knights grabbed a dazed Cindy from her bed and dragged her through the house. Cindy's mother, King Carter, and Dameon followed behind.

"LET ME GO!" Cindy screamed as the knights dragged her inside the dripping, musty dungeon. She felt the sparks escape from her fingers, but the knights were barely phased by the lightning. One knight shoved Cindy inside the open cell. She turned around immediately. "What's going on? Why are you locking me up?"

"Oh sweetheart," her mother laughed, "you thought I was the villain when in fact your very own father lied to you." Cindy stared at her mother before screaming to be let out. Her mother smiled cheekily at Cindy. "Let's see how smart you are when you're stuck down here!" Her mother smirked at Cindy before leaving. King Carter followed her mother immediately. Dameon was the only one who stayed behind. He stared at Cindy before turning.

"Wait, Dameon!" Cindy called out to him, breaking the silence between the two. He paused and turned at her voice. "If the boy that I love is still inside you somewhere, I need you. You're my only hope." Cindy pleaded. Dameon stilled at her request. She could see a glimpse of the boy she had fallen in love with, but his demeanor turned cold.

"There's nothing either one of us can do," Dameon said frigidly. He turned back around and bounded up the stairs. Pain surged inside Cindy's heart as Dameon took each step, ignoring her plea. Cindy groaned against the cell bars when he was completely out of her sight. How could she have told him that she loved--still loved--him. She couldn't deny the fact that it still hurt her very being that Dameon was going to give the shoe to his father because King Carter would finally forgive him for his mother's death. Yet, even after that fateful night, the King was still cold toward his son. Cindy knew then that the King was never going to forgive Dameon, and Dameon must have figured it out as well.

He had avoided talking to her for this very reason, Cindy concluded. But she knew, in her heart, she would have easily forgiven him if Cindy knew that he was with her. Her love for him was strong, that she knew very well, because it kept growing stronger every second of the day. But even if she did love Dameon, it wasn't enough. Cindy still had no idea of Dameon's feelings for her. The thought of this made her heart ache even more.

"Men are so fickle," said a raspy voice in the darkness. Cindy turned around, fear striking her insides. Someone was in this cell with her.

"Who's there?" Cindy asked inside the cell. The figure slowly emerged from the darkness, and Cindy could spot the figure's midnight black hair shining with the little light in the dungeon. The skin on this person was pale and seemed to shimmer even through the darkness of the cell, and their lips were a bright, blood red. Cindy gasped as they finally unveiled themselves.

"Snow White," she whispered.

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