Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Mom?" Cindy choked out, "Is that really you?"

"It is sweetie. I'm here," she grinned at Cindy. Cindy stared at her in shock; her mother had changed since the last time she saw her. Her golden hair was streaked with gray, and she was more stern looking.

"B-But why are you here? What are you doing with the leader of The Ensorcels?" Cindy asked with sudden ferociousness.

Her mother laughed. "Oh dear, you must have misunderstood. Killian isn't the leader; I am." Cindy widened her eyes in shock. "Oh yes, I guess your father never told you why I left."

"Don't mock dad." Cindy defended. "He took care of me after you left. He was a better parent than you'll ever be!"

"Now Cindy, no need to get so nasty. It's very unbecoming of a woman," her mother said flippantly.

"You never answered my question. Why. Are. You. Here?" Cindy punctuated.

"Oh, I'm sure you already know silly," her mother said, "I'm here for the enchanted objects."

"But why?" Cindy asked again. "Why do you want them?"

"Simple. Those objects-"

King Carter interrupted. "Honey, maybe we shouldn't say-"

"She's my daughter. She has every right to know," Cindy's mother snapped at him.

"But," King Carter started.

"As I was saying," her mother started again, ignoring King Carter, "those objects are the key to peace."

"What key to peace? We're already at peace," Cindy said.

"My dear girl, don't you see? The enchanted objects are the key to get rid of those filthy Supernaturals once and for all."

"What?" Cindy yelled. "That's completely crazy! You do that, you'll have an all out war!"

"Sweetie, you don't understand-"

"NO! You don't understand!" Cindy yelled. She wanted to stand up and smack her mother in the face, but her hands were tied against the chair. "What did they ever do to you?" Cindy asked.

"Those things," her mother started, "killed you're grandparents when I was your age. In fact, it was one of your father's friends that killed them."

"You're lying!"

"I AM NOT LYING!" her mother yelled. Cindy sat in shock as she saw her mother fall to the floor in despair. "Your father and Killian were best friends in high school, but they had a third friend. A vampire. He was the first supernatural that had been open about his identity. Your father welcomed him with open arms, while the rest of the school cowered in fear." Cindy's mother laughed coldly. "But your father was well liked and followed his example, opening up to that filthy creature. After some time, the vampire was acclimated with the school and within no time, he received a lot of attention from the girls. But for some god forsaken reason, the vampire liked me."

Cindy couldn't believe what her mother was saying. She had to be lying. Her mother continued, "We became friends, but slowly he had told me about his interest in me. I had turned him down gently, and he backed off. He became more distant, avoiding your father and Killian. A few days later, your father asked me out on a date. I guess the bloodsucker had heard because the night of my date, he showed up." Cindy saw the pain in her mother's eyes as her mother retold the events of that night. "My father-your grandfather-had opened the door, thinking it was your father. Instead he was met with the bloodthirsty creature." Her mother's voice faltered, but she continued. "He didn't even give your grandfather a chance to blink when the b*stard sucked the life out of him." King Carter put a hand on her mother's shoulder.

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