Chapter 12

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All Cindy could hear were the constant stream of arguments from King Carter's room. He had called the knights to question who had been in the maids chambers after Phoenix, Mary, and Cindy discovered that her room was a mess. Cindy shuddered as the two words flashed in her mind: We're coming. The words were written in a deep, dark red―almost as if it were blood―and dripped down the wall like a swift serpent slithering toward its prey.

Cindy didn't remember who screamed first, but a bloodcurdling shriek rang through the palace walls―alerting everyone inside, including the princes. The knights had found the three of them huddled together near Cindy and Phoenix's door and had ushered them into a safe place, which was where they were right now. The princes had come from Dameon's room to support Cindy's case, including Elliot. Dameon had gone inside to talk with his father while the other six boys waited patiently with the girls. Though Elliot wasn't growing on Cindy, she was glad that he came. She was glad everyone came.

Cindy glanced at Mary and Phoenix to see how they were doing. Mary looked as if she had aged ten years because of tonight: her face was as pale as wax, and her hair had lost its luster and was drooping to one side. Phoenix didn't look any better. Her fiery red hair now hung in lazy waves, its usual wildness disappearing. She caught her gaze, her face as solemn as a mask, making the situation even more depressing.

The three girls jumped as they heard something break against the wall. The six boys glanced at the door, but they stayed silent. All of them waited for another sound. After a couple of minutes Dameon barged out of the door, anger written on his face. Cindy wondered what happened as he passed her. He wouldn't look at her, and somehow, that hurt Cindy. The six boys followed Dameon as he stormed to his room. Xavier gave the three girls a look of encouragement before leaving.

"What do you think happened in there?" asked Mary quietly.

"I'm sure everything's fine," Phoenix said, "Dameon was probably having one of his mood swings." Mary and Cindy nodded at Phoenix, but the tension was still there. They sat there in silence once again. Cindy's head swirled with many questions. Who were the Ensorcells and how did they know her dad? Why were these people after her? What happened between the king and Dameon? What did the three leaf symbol mean? Cindy turned her head when she heard a creak from the door. A knight was standing in front of them, his face as grim as death.

"The king asks for the three of you to come inside," he said. Cindy looked at the others, and they all stood up. Cindy spotted the king right away. His crown was off, his dark hair visible, as he ran his hands through it. King Carter paced back and forth across the room in a frantic manner as he waited for them. Suddenly, the knight coughed behind the three girls. "Sir, here they are." King Carter looked up and motioned for all of them to take a seat.

"That will be all. You may leave," said King Carter. The knight left the room without another word. Cindy looked hesitantly at King Carter, and he caught her looking. "Cindy, will you please tell me what happened tonight?" he asked. Cindy was shocked at the tone of compassion; she was used to his cold and hard exterior.

Cindy nodded. "Your majesty, as you know, Dameon invited my friends and I to a party, my team and I kept an eye on Dameon and the other princes. Then suddenly, there was a...fight," Cindy said, pausing. Phoenix and Mary sent her a sideway glance as Cindy blatantly lied. Cindy had decided that there was no need to tell the King about Nick's outburst-things were already heated between the people and the supernaturals, and telling King Carter about it would only add insult to injury.

"What happened next?" King Carter asked.

"There was a gunshot, and all of us managed to escape; but we were separated in the process. We all made it to a safe place afterwards. My team went back to the school, and the rest of us came here," Cindy said. King Carter nodded, but his eyes told her that he knew there was more to the story.

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