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Marinette's POV

It's finally time for patrol. I set my bed up, with pillows as myself and placed them under my sheets. I called upon Tikki and transformed into Ladybug and leapt through the trapdoor that led to my balcony. Tikki, Spots On!

I swung across Paris with the help of my yo-yo and managed to swing all the way down to the Arc de Triumph. I stood upon the monument and tried to get a Birdseye view of this side of the city.

I saw a shadow over me that appeared on the ground as well. A jet entered Paris, one I didn't recognize. It landed near the outskirts of Paris so I followed it.

Five figures exited the aircraft in weird traffic coned themed costumes and one that looked like a bat and so on. All wore masks on their faces and began running into the city. I intervened.

I jumped down from the building I was on and landed in front of them, startling them a bit. I wanted to laugh...but sadly this wasn't the place nor the time.

Ladybug: Who are you and what are you doing in Paris?

Batman: You must be Ladybug, the super heroine of Paris. I've heard about you....

Ladybug: Wish I could say the same. You still didn't answer my question.

Batman: Have you heard of Batman who's stationed in Gotham?

Ladybug: I'm guessing by your costume..that's you. I've heard you and your sidekicks are vigilantes and for some reason the Justice League took you in.

Batman: You do your research. These are my sidekicks; Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin.

Ladybug: Colorful costumes, boring names. Got it..those will be easy to remember. Now, why are you here?

Batman: I was sent to investigate on the Hawk Moth situation going on in Paris. You haven't defeated him yet so, we thought we could take him off your teenaged hands.

Ladybug: What goes on in Paris has nothing to do with the League nor you for that matter. And I think Chat and I are better off. Don't want you to break your old back trying to fight the guy. Plus this is magic...but I guess you wouldn't understand. We never asked for your help nor do we need it. Your business is done here.

Batman: We aren't leaving until this situation is sorted out. You have two choices; we can help you defeat him, or we will do this our own way.

Ladybug: I pick non of those. Would you like me to concern myself with Gotham's villains that you don't seem to want to get rid of. And should I name some of those people...? Get out of my city....or I'll make you *glares*....

That's when a smoke bomb was thrown out of nowhere and everyone began to cough. I saw a shadow coming at me and so I jumped up above the smoke to see there were more people down below.

Once I was outside of the smoke's range, about five men surrounded me with swords and katanas in their hands. I spun my yo-yo round and round.

They came charging and me. I dodged, reflected and shielded myself from their hits. One of them grabbed my hand and twisted it behind my back. His hand swiftly hit the back of my neck and I was out. Shit.

I woke up in an unfamiliar environment to see someone sitting next to me. It was one of the Robin vigilantes from earlier. He had on the same costume but his mask was removed.

Hate to say it but...he was cute. Now I could see his pretty green eyes....which remind me of Adrien's. *sigh* Why do I fall for cute green eyed boys? I stood up and brushed myself off gaining his attention.

Damian: Oh look, Miss sassy hero finally woke up.

Marinette: If you're here that means they took you too, doesn't it? You're no better than me, vigilante.

Damian: Tt.

Marinette: Look who's acting all shy now. you know where we are?

Damian: Unfortunately no. But it seems familiar.

Marinette: Oh shit...where's Tikki. I can't find her. I have my earrings but they took Tikki. This is bad....

Talia: Ahh, you're finally awake. Hello you two, ready for your wedding?

Damian: Should've known it was you mother.

Marinette: You were kidnapped by your own mother. That's hilarious. But...I might be hearing wrong, did you say wedding?

Talia: You are not mistaken. You two are getting married right now.

Damian: But I didn't ask for her hand in marriage. Not that I was going to.

Marinette: I'm too young anyways.

Talia: We don't abide by the rules nor the laws. If you don't...a little friend of yours will be terminated. *points to Tikki be held in a henchman's fist*

Marinette: Tikki! ....Fine, if this is what it takes to keep her safe, then fine. You will keep your word?

Talia: Of course. Now bring out the cups. Knife....

Why does she need cups and a knife? I have a bad feelings about this....

Talia: Both of you, hold out your hands.

Damian: I didn't agree to any of this fucked up shit. Why should I have to marry her of all people?

Talia: Because of our history Damian. Now hold out your hand.

Both Robin and I held out our hands and she cut them deep enough for blood to drip out. My blood dropped into one cup and Robin's blood dropped into the next.

There was a green substance inside of the cup which had a weird scent to it. It was almost...captivating and mesmerizing. It was as if it were calling to me in a way.

Damian: Mother, is that the water from the lazerous pit in those cups? (Don't know how to spell it)

Talia: Indeed it is. Now drink up.

She switched the cups so that I drank the one with Damian's blood and he drank the one with mine. I sniffed it a bit and it smelt like water. I shrugged my shoulders and drank it.

My eyes began to hurt though...probably because I was tired. But they felt heavy for some reason. Tikki looked shocked and saddened by what I had just done.

The woman snapped her fingers and the henchman who held Tikki escorted us out of the chamber. At least two other henchmen followed behind us with their hands firmly planted on their swords.

Guess they don't want us escaping.... We arrived at a door which the henchman opened to reveal a king sized bed, Robin's katana and mask, my side purse and a jar of cookies.

The henchmen closed the door after he had released Tikki form his grip. She flew into my face and hugged my cheek. She must have been really scared, after all....she did just see me get married to a vigilante.

My parents are so gonna kill once they figure out I'm not home in my bed....and I have school tomorrow.'s not my it?

~ Hey you I'll be editing one chapter at a time. Tomorrow I'll be adding on so look out for it. School was tough today, I finished most of my assignments and homework so I should be ok until tomorrow. See you guys in the next chapter. BUG OUT!!


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