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Marin: Mari fairy...c'mon, talk to me. Wait up!

Marinette: Stop calling me that. I'm not your little 'Mari fairy' anymore. Just leave me alone.

They all arrive upstairs in the living room:

Sabine: Marinette....this is the first time you see your brother and this is how you behave?

Marinette: Just returning the favor. You know why...

Tom: Yes hunny, but you know Marin's a busy man and he has....

Marinette: Has Nothing my foot!! IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME THEN YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME BUT UNTIL THEN....LEAVE ME ALONE!! And that includes you, Marin *glares*.

Marin: me....

Sabine: Well Marin, you have been quite busy lately and's been three years since you contacted us.

Tom: Marinette has been trying to catch up with you while you were away. But every time she tried, you were never around or there to call back or respond.

Marin: Three years, impossible. I had my phone fully charged and with me the entire time. I even have it here. *turns it on* See, no new messages nor calls, but I've been calling you guys every once in a while. See....*shows them the phone*

Ding Dong!!

Tom: Who could that be at this late hour? I'll go take a look.

Sabine: Marin, Maybe you should try talking to Marinette. Get her point of view. And make sure to are so stubborn and that trait makes you almost identical to your father.

Marin: *blushes* Mom...don't say's not true...

Tom: Hunny, it's for all of us...including Marinette. A group of boys who seem to know her.

Marinette's POV

Ugh....why are they like that! Especially Marin. All of a sudden that dumbass of a brother of mine comes back unannounced though up to this's not surprising. He doesn't even know what he did wrong. He's so oblivious...

He kinda reminds me of sunshine boy. I'm also supposed to be going to an annual banquet with a lot of famous people including uncle Jagged and miss Penny. My parents know about me accompanying him so I got permission.

I'll be accompanied by my band mates, I'm going as Nettie, Luka (our guitarist) as Blue-Viper and Kagami (our drummer) as Drake-Fencer. And as the secret MDC fashion designer I got an order from a really famous rich guy.

Who's apparently my husband and his family....UGHHHHHHH!! Their outfits are due Friday since the banquet is Saturday. And with my brother's birthday coming up....and me not expecting he'd be back, I'm screwed.

And to top it off....I'm supposed to reveal my identity at the banquet when we perform our new songs. *sigh* What's gonna happen now....? Only my parents and band mates know I'm MDC and Nettie. Not even Marin knows.

Marin: Marinette, I know you're mad at me but there are some guys down here who said they know you.

He couldn' talking about.... I rushed down the stairs to see five men standing in my living room. *growls* Batman..... the audacity to show up at my house. He must be delusional!!

Sabine: Marinette, do you know these people?

Marinette: Unfortunately, yes...I do.

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