Sick Day

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Third person POV

Damian woke up and got ready for school as usual and arrived about 20 before class started. He made my way up to my classroom and noticed that Marinette wasn't here as yet.

He asked Alya and she said that she didn't know. He left his bag on his seat and ran out the door over to the bakery. He opened the door and Sabine gave her permission for him to check on her.

Damian's POV

I wonder why Marinette wasn't at school earlier. Yesterday she seemed fine, and the day before with the banquet she was also ok. So what's wrong with her now.

I had arrived in the kitchen in their living room upstairs and heard water running somewhere. Probably Marin or something.... I brushed it off and climbed the stairs and knocked on the trapdoor.

I saw a little head peek through the roof and recognized it to be Tikki.

Damian: Tikki, is Marinette ok?

Tikki: She's still asleep and she's ignored all her alarms. Come on in and try to wake her up before she's late.

And so I let myself in. I looked around to see a lump under the covers in her bed. I went up the little flight of steps and saw her sleeping. I sat beside her and tried shaking her a bit to see if she would budge.

Not even a single sigh...movement...nothing. I shook her again but this time when I did, I realized that she was warm...or rather burning up. I placed my hand on her forehead and my other hand on mine to compare the two.

I was right. She was hot...saying that to myself sounds as though I'm saying she's cute...of course she is...ugh never mind. I looked at Tikki who wore a face of worry, but she stayed silent.

Damian: We have to wake her up.


And with that, her head shot up.


She got up and scurried down the steps. But...she looked so unsteady. When she was on the ground she held her head and was about to fall over. Shit shit shit...Marinette!

I slid on the floor and caught her before she made contact. I could her footsteps running up the stairs. Marin?

Marin: MARINETTE?! What did you do to her?!

Damian: Calm yourself. She fainted.

Marin: *checks temperature* What the....her temperature, it's so high.

He ran down the stairs and came back in a few seconds with his first aid kit. So he's a doctor then. He took out his thermometer and checked Mari's temp.

Marin: Fuck. 53, that's way too high. We have to bring her fever down. Rest her on the long-chair while I tell mom and dad.

Damian: Ok.

I picked her up (bridal style) and walked over to her chair. I looked down at her and I couldn't help but feel....drawn to her. Like I'm really worried about her. And I can't help but want to do more.

I could faintly hear the bell go off from the school. Looks like I'm skipping. Marin got back with some chicken soup and three cups on a tray. He pulled over her small table and rested it there.

Along with that he gestured one of the cups towards me. I confusing,y took it. Wait...this is chai flavored tea. I've had this before. The things Mari said about him doesn't add up to the guy he is now.

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