Princess Justice

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Hawk Moth: Princess Justice, my name's Hawk Moth. I can sense your raging anger and frustration towards those who've done wrong towards you and the ones you love. I'm giving you the power to locate those wrong-doers and bring them to justice. And Mayura will give you a senti-monster to help you in doing so. Now, shall we who's the best judge?

Princess: I will gather those criminals in my court and they shall be purified!

Both the akuma and the feather made their way inside her side purse and transformed her.

Damian: Marinette

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Damian: Marinette...

Princess: It isn't Marinette, it's Princess Justice now. And the first criminal on my list....Lila Rossi.

She jumped from the roof of the building and made her way to the Eiffel Tower. Her purse was then turned into a sword and she knocked it at the floor and called out the girl's name.

She grinned widely and took off again, her sword leading the way (senti-monster). She found Lila walking to the museum and landed right in front of her.

Princess: Lila Rossi, you're coming with me back to my court!

Lila: Ugh...Who are you? I'm not going with you anywhere!

Princess: *scoffs* It's not like you have a choice...

Her sword went back to its original state as her side purse with a string attached to it. She wrapped it around the liar and flew off towards the Eiffel Tower once more and dropped her on the highest floor.

The batfamily made their way to the top of the tower after changing to witness Lila's demise.

Princess: Lila Rossi, you've made a fool of me since the day you arrived at school; you lied about me to my friends, almost had the entire class akumatized and even had the balls to claim that Damian Wayne was your soulmate. You're guilty and hereby sentenced to imprisonment in stone. Effective...immediately!

From where the string was tied around her, slowly turned to stoned covering her entire body. She released the hold of the string and it turned back to the sword.

Robin: Mari...please, don't do this.

Princess: The damage has already been done. Next on my list, Bob Ross and his son XY!

Before she could take off, there was smoke everywhere. She began to cough and she planted her sword to the ground to prop herself up.

Princess: Scalebar (the name of the senti-monster sword), find the two criminals and bring them back here for me!

The sword shot up, out of the smoke and flew to where the two were. The smoke cleared to see a punch coming at her. She dodged and threw it over the Eiffel Tower.

Nightwing: Jay...

Red Robin: I think she means business...

Robin: Todd, are you ok?

Red Hood: *holds onto his grappling hook* Yeah I Fine, wanna help me up...?

Robin: Not really...But like I have a choice.

The two boys joined the battle again when they saw a flying purse making it way over with two people on board. Marinette grinned when the purse landed on the ground with the two screaming guys.

Princess: Scalebar, take care of those wingless birds while I deal with these wrong-doers!

Scalebar flew off towards the batfamily and engaged in battle as it was told. Princess Justice made her way towards the two and gave out their punishment.

Princess: Bob Ross, all you care about is money and your success...not even your own son. Speaking of, XY you're simply just a copy cat stealing others music as you did in the past with my friends also getting him akumatized just like the girl in the stone. I sentence you the same fate. Effective....immediately!

They both turned to stone starting from their feet and up, ending with their faces. She called Scalebar back to her when a certain cat finally joined the party.

Chat: Marinette, stop this now.

Princess: How many times do I have to repeat myself, it's Princess Justice.

Hawk Moth: Princess Justice, take Cat Noir's miraculous and then wait for Ladybug to show up. And take hers too.

Princess: Sorry Hawky, But I have only one more person to seek out.

Marinette's POV

Damn being akumatized feels weird. Like there's all these clouded emotions I haven't felt before. It's overwhelming. He gave me the power to seek those I must enact Justice upon...that includes him. Found you...

Princess: Next up on my list...Hawk Moth...

Bruce: So you've been in control this whole time?

Princess: Duh...and it felt so good just to beat up those three. Especially that bitch. Now...I found Hawk Moth's den so you boys wanna help me or no?

Chat: I think we should wait for Ladybug.

Princess: She isn't coming kitty cat. Are we doing this...or no?

Everyone nodded in agreement and Scalebar led the way. They arrived at the Agreste mansion and Chat stopped moving. They all went around to the back of the mansion.

Marinette told Chat to cataclysm the ground where they were standing. He did as he was told and struck the ground. Cataclysm! The ground started to crumble and in front of them, watched Hawk Moth and Mayura in disbelief.

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