Moving Away

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The next day came rather quickly. Everyone, including Damian, was at the train station to see Adrien off. He was on his way to live with his aunt and cousin in London.

Everyone got him a parting gift to take with him. He lastly came over to Marinette and they hugged for about a few seconds until they parted....thanks to Damian's scowling.

The train had reached its final boarding call for all its passengers. Adrien waved goodbye from behind the window and he was off. The students dispersed themselves and they were all gone, leaving Daminette.

They walked off too. They went off to get some of André's sweetheart ice cream. They walked back to Marinette's house to help her get all her stuff ready to leave.

Sabine: Are you sure about this, Marinette?

Marinette: Mom...we already talked about this. I'll be fine, remember, I'm going to the same university as Dami. No need to worry.

Tom: You'll come back and visit, right?

Marinette: Of course, papa.
Marin:'re really taking her away, huh?

Damian: It wasn't only my decision, it was also hers. She wanted to come along. She'll be fine.

Marin: But...this happened all too fast, there's something you two aren't telling me. But if you have my little fairy smiling like she did when I was here, then I'd have to take your word for it. Please...take care of my sister, brother-in-law.

Damian: I won't do anything less.

Marin: *sigh* Just another lonely day...

Marinette: You're so dense as to not even feel my presence standing behind you.

Marin: Mari...Umm hey...I wasn't really expecting need something?

Marinette went up to him and hugged him. He was shocked out of his mind. But he hugged back. What's this for? She breathed deeply, So I can't give my brother a hug before I leave.

Marinette: And here's your birthday present.

Marin: Thanks.

He opened it to reveal....a framed photo.

Marin: Where did you get this?

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Marin: Where did you get this?

Marinette: I have my ways. I have a copy as well, so I can remember my big bro everyday. Just remember to answer my calls and try to call me every once in a while.

Marin: Of course, and don't forget to invite me to the wedding, k?

Marinette: That's if I remember. *giggle*

Bruce: Are you all packed and ready to go?

Marinette: Yup. Everything's here. *deep breath*

Damian: Don't worry, Angel. You'll be fine. You've got me, remember?

Marinette: *giggles* How could I forget my future husband...

I looked out the window of the private jet that began to take off. I saw my balcony at the top of the bakery as we flew passed it. Memories started flashing back in my face.

I turned to the jet to see the boys playing cards and Damian watching them from the seat next to mine. What will happen to me next on my journey...and how will my future manifest itself?

Who knows....I just can't wait to see what'll happen...


So...what do you guys think? Comment and tell me!!!!
And thanks so much for the undying support...2.06k reads...that's a lot.

Thank you thank you thank you!! Don't forget...I have more books, so read to your heart's content.


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