School Day

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Damian's POV

*yawns* is the day where I have to go to Marinette's school and tolerate people that I don't really want to. People and teammates are a liability....and finding the right people are an even harder task.

Marinette told me about some of her friends and their soulmate bonds. I wonder if she found her soulmate? Why did I just ask myself that? Heck I haven't even found mine.

Grayson found his with Gordon. And the other two irritations that call themselves my brothers aren't even sure. Though I'm very curious to see who it will be...if any.

I walked out my room to see Drake drinking coffee (as usual), Todd watching television with Grayson and father reading the newspapers. They all greeted me and I greeted back.

They all claimed that they were waiting on me so that they could order room service to bring up breakfast for us. How odd. Something's definitely up.

They dialed the number, ordered and within the next five minutes, someone knocked at the door. Father went to check who it was to see a waiter and a rolling table filled with trays that were covered down.

He allowed him to enter and so he set up the meals on the dinning room table in our suite then left. Must admit...the food looked good. Kinda reminds me of Marinette's bakery. What the hell am I thinking?!

I then literally stuffed the food into my mouth then left the table. I got ready for school and changed into my clothes and packed my back, gently resting my short katana to the larger one I have on my backside under my jacket.

I left the suite and exited the hotel to be bothered by the blonde nuisance Marinette told us about. The mayor's daughter. She tried flirting with me but I completely ignored her. I hate starting off my day on the wrong foot.

I was walking to the school when I saw a poster of a blonde, green eyed boy...Agreste.... I don't know why but, he bothers me for some reason. Just looking at his face makes me want to puke.

I could see the school in front of me now and a familiar face running across the street. Marinette? I almost didn't recognize her. When I got to the front of the school, I saw her walking in with her friend known as Alya if I remember correctly.

She was accompanied by her boyfriend, Nino and his friend the blonde pretty boy. Here's that feeling again.... I walked up the stairs gaining giggles and gossip from the girls. I know I'm breathtaking but they need to stop drooling, they're making a scene.

I followed Marinette even though I knew where my class was. After all, my father purposely placed me in the same class as her. I walked in and everyone surrounded me.

I can see Marinette grinning and giggling watching them crowd around me like this. The teacher arrived in at the door and separated everything with just a clap of her hands.

Bustier: Alright students, we have a new pupil joining us today. Please introduce yourself...

Damian: Hi. My name is Damian Wayne and I'm from Gotham. It's nice to be here and I hope I can get to know all of you.

Rose: Wait..are you Lila's soulmate?

Alix: The one she was talking about for like forever since she came here.

Alya: The Damian Wayne as in the son of Bruce Wayne no way. This is a major scoop?

Bustier: Everyone settle down now *claps*. Thank you. Take a seat next to Marinette in the back row please.

Marinette: But ma'am, I'm sitting next to Alya.

Bustier: I forgot to mention, Lila will be starting back today at school. Lila please come in.

Lie-la: Hi everyone. It's so nice to see you again.

Everyone: Hi Lila.

The harlot Marinette was talking about. She was right, she does look like a witch. Marinette head fell to the desk with a loud thud that echoed through the classroom.

Bustier: We'll be moving the seating arrangements around a bit. Maormette please sit in the back row with Damian. You'll show him around later. Nino, sit next to Alya and Lila you have your old seat back in the front next to Adrien.

Said persons: Yes ma'am.

Bustier: Now, let's begin.

Marinette has had her head on the desk for the past 15 minutes of the period. With the liar back, she's bound to go off again and target her.

I felt someone looking at me so I turned only to see Lila was glaring at me. Then she smiled. That's one hell of a fake smile she's got. She pointed out the door and I shrugged.

I know she wanted to talk to me about something so why not. Let's see what lie she can come up with.

Lila's POV

So...that boy is supposed to be the heir to the Wayne company. The Damian Wayne from Gotham. The one I lied about as my soulmate. Shit. This isn't good.

I looked back at him and saw he was eyeing down Marinette. I felt my blood boil. He turned to look at me and I gestured my hand out and pointed out the door and fake smiled. Like if any boy could tell the difference.

He shrugged in agreement and so I left it at that. The bell rang and it was break time. When everyone left and it was just me, Marinette and Damian left. I made my move.

Lie-la: I'm sorry about the seating arrangements and all the drama. It's just that I have this disease called tinnitus, a constant ringing in my ears. I feel sorry for you that you have to endure sitting next to a bully.

Damian: Who are you referring to, exactly? Me, or Adrien?

Lie-la: That's a funny joke. But haven't you heard, Marinette is a bully. I had to take a leave of absence because of the last thing she did to me. She bullied me everyday and always lied to everyone. I tried to make friends with her..but she just won't do it.

Is this bitch serious right now..... she must be mixing herself up with Marinette. Maybe tinnitus isn't the only diease she has....

Marinette: Lila, save your lies for someone who cares.

Lie-la: Why are always so mean to me Marinette.

Marinette: I'll leave you two to chat until break is over. *leaves Damian got up and followed her*

Lie-la: Wait...why are you following her? Wouldn't you rather stay with me and get to know each other...soulmate?

Damian: What the fuck are you talking about?! We aren't soulmates so just leave me alone. We aren't friends and I don't want to be friends with a liar like you. Get lost! *pulls arm away and leaves*

Damian's POV

That harlot is the definition of a bitch. Trying to flirt with me and call me her soulmate...the audacity. The school day ended and I saw Marinette left the classroom by herself.

Why isn't Alya or Nino accompanying her. That's when it hit me. I saw sunshine boy walk her out just a minute ago. I quickly ran up to the door to see both of them talking and walking out the school together.

Listen to me sounding like a paranoid husband. He's just a friend. Am I jealous? I can't be. There's nothing to be jealous of. I'm reminding myself of my brothers for some reason. Speak of the devil.

A limo pulls up and I knew who was behind the backseat window. I walked up to the car and opened the door to see my annoying brothers sitting there waiting for me like the 'gentlemen' they are.

Drake and Todd sat next to each other while father drove the limo. Dick gestured his hand by patting it on the seat next to him a few times. This fool.... I sat down, closed the door and we all went back to the hotel.

Now...what shit will I deal with tomorrow?

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