Soulmate Bond

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Damian's POV

I woke up and the first thing I saw was bluebell hair...Marinette... She was still asleep on my chest and the sun was about to come up..and today we have to go to school. did I even get in her bed? I gently lifted her up and placed her head back on her pillow and took off. I felt something tethering me a string tied around my heart.

It felt weird but in a good way...but it was kind of hard to move. I was able to get downstairs and out of the bakery. I took in a deep breath of that fresh morning air. Smells better here than in Gotham....I sighed.

I had finally arrived back at the suite, opened the door, and to my surprise everyone was sitting on the couch...well Tim was in the kitchen drinking coffee.... Were they waiting for me?

Damian: Good morning. Why are you all still awake?

Bruce: Damian, we got a call from the school yesterday saying that you and coincidentally Marinette skipped school yesterday...-

Dick: ..Care to explain, lil'D?

Jason: You didn't do 'it' with her did you? *Tim slaps him across her face*

Damian:!! Marinette was sick yesterday. I went to school, she wasn't there, I visited her, had a one-to-one chat with her brother and took care of her. And I must've fallen asleep over at her house. End. Of. Story.

Tim: Is cupcake ok?

Damian: When I left, she was still asleep. Her temperature went down so I guess she'll be fine. I'm going to take a nap before my alarm is scheduled to go off. Do not disturb me. *door slams*

Jason: Ok...something definitely happened. He seemed....different...somehow....

Dick: I have to agree. He actually told us what happened without denying it...or us having to force it out of him.

Tim: So do we just assume that Marinette had something to do with it?

Bruce: What are you boys going on about?

Batboys: You wouldn't understand.


My alarm...time to get ready for school. I did my usual routine and went outside for breakfast. Everything was already set on the table. I sat down in my chair and began eating. Why is everyone staring at me...?

Damian: What?

Bruce: Damian, I didn't give you permission to get a tattoo and yet you have one on your back-hand.

Jason: Woah demon're worst than me...

Damian: I don't remember myself getting one and it wasn't there yesterday.

Dick: Lil'D, why'd you pick an Angel? As your tattoo design...?

Tim: I thought out of everything it would've been a demon or maybe some katanas but an Angel....that seems beneath you.

Damian: Would you all stop pestering me. I'm leaving.

Those nuisance....they give me a headache. I was on my way to school when I saw Marinette and Lila not to far walking behind her. That sausage-haired bitch....

She had stopped Marinette and they were arguing about something. That's when Lila grabbed her hand...I felt my blood boil to the point where I was now running across the street.

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