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Unknown POV

"Alpha!" I whirl around.


"We have more news on Alpha Delta." I start to get excited but force myself to stay composed.

"What is it? It better be important." My gamma grins.

"Alpha Delta found her mate! Isn't that great?" A growl erupts from my chest.

"How is that good?" I ask, my voice low and deadly calm, "with a mate she'll be even stronger and more annoying, how is that good? Please, enlighten me." My gamma gulps, my beta speaks up.

"Although having her mate by her side makes her stronger it could also make her weaker." I sat down at my desk thinking. What could we do with this new information? I snapped my fingers.

"I got it, Delta is an alpha which makes her incredibly strong (annoyingly) but that means her mate is either just as strong or weaker." I turn to my beta. "Contact our spy and tell them I need as much info on Delta's mate as possible, and fast."

Delta's POV

I wake up surrounded by warmth. Groaning, I turn over, coming face to face with Eric. He smiles, "Morning." I smile back,

"Good morning." Remembering last night I turned my attention to his neck. "How's your neck?" He brings his hand up to feel his neck,

"It feels fine." I smile relieved. I got out of bed and head to the bathroom,

"I'm going to take a quick shower you can go after or you can go into the guest bedroom and shower."

Once I'm finished with my shower I get dressed and head downstairs to the kitchen. When I get there I find Eric, Casey, and Dan. I smile,

"did you guys have a nice night?" Casey grins, "nevermind I don't want to know." I mumbled, turning away.

Once we finished eating breakfast, we all went out to the training field. "Casey, train with Eric, and I'll train with Dan. Assuming that you did train with Dan yesterday as I trained with Eric both Eric and Dan will have learned various different techniques from both of us." I was about to go on when I spotted Rachel, what the heck? Rachel never comes to train, what is she doing here? I make a mental note to check on her then I turn to Dan. "What did Casey teach you?"

"She mostly told me what weakens werewolves like silver and wolfsbane. We worked a bit on muscular growth, running and push-ups, and stuff." I smile, Casey never really liked fighting hand-to-hand combat.

"All right so when you're with her you'll work on muscular endurance, cardio, etc. with me we'll work on fighting techniques. Show me what you got and then I'll see what we need to work on."

The rest of the morning passed quickly, me training Dan and Casey training Eric. After having lunch with some of the pack I went off to the library to find my uncle. I found him sitting in one of the armchairs by the fireplace,

"Hey Uncle," I said walking over to him.

"Hi Delta, how are you?" He asked looking up from his book.

"Good, I was just wondering if it is common for werewolves to have human mates?" My uncle chuckles,

"It's actually quite common it's just not spoken about frequently, the beta from Arizona has a human mate and some packs in Canada also have human mates and I think a pack in Mexico might have some humans as well." I think my mouth drops to the floor.

"That many? How come I've never heard of it before?" My uncle chuckles again,

"I don't know. But if you ever have any questions about having a human mate I could contact one of them for you." I smiled,

"Thanks, Uncle."


A month passes by, Eric and Dan leave for a week to help the new gang leader, the four of us keep training while my uncle oversees training for the rest of the pack. Other than that nothing important happens.


I'm walking to my bedroom when my gamma, Mason, links me.

Rogues, southern border! I sigh, are you kidding me? I want to go to bed! I link the pack.

Rogues, all warriors to the southern border now!

Casey, find Eric and Dan, it's time to see how much they've improved.

Got it!

I shift into my wolf and run to the southern border. As I keep running the stench of blood and the sound of snarling and whining gets closer. Suddenly a rogue jumps out at me. Too slow. I think snapping its neck and continuing running. When I reach the fight my chest swells with pride, almost all the rogues are dead, weaklings and Dan and Eric's scents are on at least 10 of them. A rogue comes charging at me again, as we start circling I push into its mind.

Hey there, want to join your friends?

Get out of my head! The rogue growls. I snarl back, grinning a little.

Get out of my land. I replied.

The rogue growls one last time before charging at me. I dodge it easily.

Too slow. They charge again, I doge again. A little rusty today aren't we?

Shut up! They yell.

No, you shut up. Seriously growling, snarling, trying to kill me and my pack? I'm starting to think you don't like me.

This really angers them, before they can say anything I continue,

You know I thought rogues preferred to travel alone. You must really hate me if you're joining up with other rogues. Unless...someone hired you to kill me but why would they do that? Everybody knows that I always win which must mean that they don't like you because they have sent you somewhere to die. The rogue was really mad now.

I'm going to kill you and keep your head as my prize!

I sigh, they never learn. Quickly I lunge towards them and break their neck. Bye! I turn to survey the battlefield. There were rogue bodies lying everywhere but all my warriors seemed fine. I looked around until I spotted Casey, Dan, and Eric. I ran over to them. I ran behind a tree, shifted, changed into clothes, and then ran back to them. As Casey went off to change as well I turned to the boys.

"Good job guys! You've improved so much over the month." Dan grins,

"Does this mean we can stop getting up at 6 in the morning?" He asks, getting excited, I hear a snort behind me.

"Do you really think Delta would let you stop training?" Casey asks walking over to us. Dan's grin falls off his face.

"But I want to sleep in!" He whines, I sigh, annoyed about having this conversation again.

"You do get to sleep in." Dan sighs,

"But only on the weekends!" He says Eric, leans over, and whispers something into his ear. Dan looks at me, looks at Eric, and then walks over to Casey. As the four of us are walking back to the packhouse I turn to Eric.

"What did you say to Dan?" Eric chuckled,

"I said that I had already whined about getting up so early and you had given me bruises because of it." I smiled.


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