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Delta's POV

After Dan and Casey got back from Texas Naja and her mate came back to visit to check on Dan and Eric. We gave them a tour around our pack and they stayed a night. A bit after they left Casey started to smell different.

One day while the four of us were in the kitchen I pulled her into the hallway. "What's wrong with you?" Casey pretended to look offended.

"There's nothing wrong with me, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, well, we all know that's not true but that's not what I meant. I mean, why do you smell different? Are you sick?" Casey smiles,

"No, I'm not sick." I huff,

"Well, what's wrong then?" She quickly glances back to the kitchen and then starts pulling me in the opposite direction.

"Follow me." Stopping at the couch she sits down and motions for me to follow. Sitting down carefully at the edge of the couch I study her.

"What's going on?" I ask, suspiciously.

"I'mpregnant!" She breaths out,

"You're what?" My eyes widen, "You're pregnant!? Oh my gosh! Wow! Congratulations! Does Dan know? No, he probably doesn't, he's acting too calm."

"Calm down!" She laughs, "no I haven't told him yet, I wouldn't have told you yet either but you figured it out early."

"Well, yeah, you smelt different. I'm surprised your mate hasn't figured it out yet."

"Yeah, I have a plan though..."


All of us were in the living room. Eric and I were snuggled on the loveseat and Dan and Casey were sitting on the couch. I watch as Casey slowly inches closer to Dan until she's basically on top of him. Turning around she brings her arms around his neck burying her head in his neck. Dan suddenly halts his conversation with Eric and looks down at Casey. Wrapping his arms around her he hugs her closer to his body. Inhaling her scent he suddenly freezes as his eyes widen. He pushes Casey back so he can look into her eyes.

"Really!?" He asks, his eyes shining. Casey nods,

"Really," A grin stretches across Dan's face.

"What's going on?" Eric whispers to me, I roll my eyes.

"What do you think?" I ask,

"I don't know, that's why I'm ask-"

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" Dan yells, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Eric's eyes widened.

"Bro! Are you serious? Wow!" Dan leaps up off the couch, almost dropping Casey.

"We need to get ready!" He turns to Casey in a panic. "We need to go to the store and get things for the baby! We need to decide on a name and we need to go to the doctors to make sure they're healthy an-"

"Dan!" Casey yells, "Everything's fine, I went to the pack doctor the other day and everything's fine. We'll find out the sex next visit. We also have a couple of months to decide on the name and buy things for the baby's room. We have plenty of time, relax." She says reassuring him. "Now...a little help?" Taking a deep breath Dan helps Casey up from her half-fallen position. Pulling her up Dan picks her up in her arms and starts to carry her away. "Put me down!" She laughs, "being pregnant doesn't affect my ability to walk!"

"Yes it does, shut up and accept my love!" He says running away with her. Eric and I turn to look at each other.

"That was adorable!" Eric says at the same time I say, "that was disgusting." Eric lightly hits me.

"No, it wasn't, that's what mates do when they love each other you stone cold alpha." I stick my tongue out at him while he laughs. "By the way, can you meet me in the woods by the lake around 8 pm tonight?" He asks,

"Umm, sure?" I say,

"Great! See you then!" He says skipping off.

That was weird.

No kidding, Athena responds.


Eric's POV

I paced nervously back and forth as I waited for Delta to arrive. I'm scared, Oscar! What if she reacts badly to what I'm about to say?

Relax dude, she's our mate! She won't react badly, you're fretting over nothing.

Hearing a gasp I whirl around. I watch as Delta takes in her surroundings. Finally, her eyes land on me. I smile nervously as I make my way over to her. Holding out my hand for her to take I lock eyes with her.

"This way," I guide her to a boat on the edge of the lake. After helping her in I push the boat away from the edge as I step in. After looking around again she turns to me, smiling. Taking her hands I look into her eyes.

"Remember when you killed two of my gang members?" She laughs,

"Yeah," I smile,

"Did I ever thank you? You actually saved me some time, I would have gotten rid of them soon after anyway." She grins,

"You're welcome." I take a breath to calm my racing heart.

"After you and Athena found me my life became so much more chaotic. Instead of just running a gang I got introduced to werewolves. I found out about mates and that I was your mate. I learned how to fight rogues and I was kidnapped. Then I got turned into a werewolf. After meeting you things have never been the same. I'm so lucky that I got you as my mate. I love you and I'll never stop loving you, will you marry me?" Tears flooded Delta's eyes as she listened to me. When I was finished she tackled me into a hug. "Woa!" I said, flailing my arms as the boat tipped over into the water, dunking us under. Delta comes up laughing.

"YES!" She exclaims,

"Yeah?" I ask,

"Yes! Yes, yes yes!" She tackles me and we both go under again.



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The name Seth means Evil and the name Rachel means Sheep

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