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Casey's POV

After giving Delta multiple sleeping pills I made my way towards Uncle's room.

"We need to find Eric!" Uncle sighs, getting up from his desk.

"I know! We're trying as hard as we can but somehow whoever has Eric managed to cover his scent. No matter how many times the Trackers catch his scent it always leads to a dead-end! ...Where's Delta?" Now it's my time to sigh,

"I had to put her to sleep. They're torturing Eric and it's taking a negative toll on Delta. First, she's in a lot of pain, she can't even stand up! Second Athena is livid. She almost knocked out the pack doctor when she got free of two of our guards."

Sighing Uncle places a piece of paper on his desk. "This is a list of all the packs known to have had or have human mates." He says sliding it over. "I've contacted one of the packs in Africa. They have a human Luna and they're passing by our pack in a few months. They said they'd be happy to visit and answer some questions." Groaning, I massage my temples trying to tame the oncoming headache.

"How should we go about finding Eric?" Silence hovers in the room, both of us deep in thought.

Delta's POV

Pain. That's all I can feel. All my other senses have been dulled and cut off. I can't hear, see, touch or smell. All I experience is pain. I can't even pinpoint where it's coming from. It's everywhere.

Eric's POV

"Why won't you break!"

A sharp crack goes through the room as yet another rib is cracked and broken. Hands grab my chin, fingers digging in leaving bruises. Her eyes lock with mine as she has her men continue to break bone after bone.

"I will break you." She sneers.

Casey's POV

I shouldn't have let her go on her walk that day, Leala.

I stare at Delta. Her now pale skin made the bags under her eyes even more noticeable. Her scarred arms and legs bound to the bed to stop her from moving. I can visibly trace the bones in her arms, legs, and face.

Three months. It's been three months since Eric was taken and Athena has taken almost full control of Delta. She's tried killing anything that can breathe, including herself. Eric being tortured is adding to the already crushing pain they're experiencing from the long separation of the mate bond.

A knock at the door sounds, breaking me from my trance. "Come in."

"Beta." The gamma says bowing, "The Alpha and Luna from the Moedig Pack are arriving in two weeks. Is there anything else the pack needs to do in order to be prepared?"

Still staring at Delta I rack my brain going over the list in my head trying to remember if I've covered everything. "Not right now, have all the wolves train before dinner. That is all." Nodding the gamma leaves the room.

Delta's POV

Pain overwhelms my limbs and mind as I try to reach out to Eric. Panic sets through me when I can't find him. Where is he!?! I whimper in pain as it doubles. Where is he!?! Only my mate can stop this, why can't I find him?!

Eric's POV

An ear-piercing half scream escapes my lips, tears streaming down my bloody face as Mara brings a hammer down on another one of my fingers. "Please! Stop!" I sob. She grins.

"Finally!" Placing the hammer down she tilts my face to look up at her. "That wasn't so hard was it?" She says, mock pouting. I can't even manage a moan in response. Black dots dance across my vision as I try to stay awake on less than an hour of sleep. If I slump too much my ribs protest in pain. If I sit up or lean back on something my shredded, raw, bloody back protests as well as my fractured spine. I've lost the feeling in my legs and feet and my arms and legs are throbbing and swollen.

Mara chucks an ice pack at my head as she and her men leave the room.

Casey's POV

"What do I do!? How do I fix this!?" I ask, frantically pacing the room while pulling at the roots of my hair.

"Do you think we could use Delta to find him?" Dan asks from our bed. I stop pacing for a second too busy questioning his brain cells or lack thereof.

"Are you dumb or stupid? We had to put Delta in a medically induced coma to prevent her from going crazy and we still had to bind her arms and legs." Dan rolls his eyes.

"Just listen. The reason Delta is unable to do anything and you've had to temporarily take over is because she experiences everything her mate experiences right? So if we were to place her right next to him would the pain she was feeling get even worse? Would the pain get worse the closer we get to him and lessen the further away they are?" I study him again, maybe he does have some brain cells after all.

"But how would we know if we're getting closer to Eric or not? She's in a coma." Dan shrugs,

"Take her out of it?" My eyes widen,

"Are you crazy!? She could kill us! Also...I don't think she can wake up just by the snap of a finger." Dan shrugs again,

"We won't know unless we try." Sighing I rub my temples, a habit I've picked up ever since Eric got taken.

"Alright, go find Uncle, I'm going to link some warriours and trackers."


"That seems like a terrible idea. Did Dan come up with it?"


"Yes, but it could work, as long as we have Delta secure and the warriours surrounding her nothing would be able to happen. The trackers can go a little ahead of us and see if they can catch Eric's scent. I'll stay by Delta and see if she reacts negatively or positively depending on where we're going." Uncle sighs,

"Fine, but she needs to be securely bound and if nothing changes after two days you come back." I nod, agreeing with him.

Delta's POV

Eric! Where are you?! Why am I in so much pain? Please! Make it stop! The pain suddenly increases as another presence makes itself clear. Eric? Please! Make the pain go away!


The name Mara means Death

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