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Eric's POV

"What the heck was that?" I ask. The beautiful woman sighs.

"I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" Her voice was beautiful. It was so smooth and clear. I bet she's a good singer. I nod. She walks over to a cluster of rocks. "You're going to want to sit down." She says. I sit down. She sighs again. "Where do I start?" She mutters.

"How about the bodies?" I suggest.

"Well I could but that wouldn't make sense unless you knew about the werewolf thing." She says, still muttering to herself. I stare at her. She was beautiful, she looked strong and powerful. She had long dark wavy hair and grey eyes. She looked about 5'8 and for some reason, I felt a strange urge to wrap her in my arms.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Delta. What's yours?"


"Well Eric, that black wolf you saw was me. I am a werewolf. I was on a run when I caught your scent. It was...interesting so I decided to find the person that had that scent. I walked for about 30 minutes and ended up in the alley. Suddenly two men came and attacked me. I felt threatened so I turned into a wolf and killed them. Then you came and I led you into the woods and now we're here."

"You're a werewolf?" I asked.

"Yup, my name is Delta and I'm the Alpha of the Marcella Abhi pack. I'm 20 and have been waiting for my mate for 2 years."

"What's a mate?" I asked.

"It's like a soulmate, their other half. The moon goddess assigns each werewolf a mate which they find when they're 18 or older. They love each other, protect each other, etc. for their whole lives. If one dies the other usually dies as well because of loneliness and grief."

"How do you know if you've found your mate?"

"You get a special feeling in your stomach, you feel safe and secure in their arms, they calm you like no one else can, and when you touch there are sparks." My eyes widen in realization. She nods, "Yup, you Eric are my mate." I'm silent. What? "Want to see where I live?"

"Sure," I say.

"You have to keep it a secret though."

"Okay, how far away is it?" I ask.

"About 5 miles, not too far." I nod and stand up. She gets up and we start jogging further into the woods.

"You live in the woods?" I ask, then I mentally slap myself. Duh, she's a wolf, of course, she lives in the woods.

"Sort of. We live in houses surrounded by the woods. You'll see."

After running for about forty minutes she slows down to a walk. "Are you ready?" She asks. I nod. Delta walks into a clearing. In the distance I see houses and at the end, I see a huge house. No, not a house, a mansion. "Welcome to my pack!" She says.

We continued walking and after a couple of minutes, we started passing the houses I could see. "These," she says gesturing to the cottage-like houses, "are where regular pack members live."

We continue walking until the houses change and there are fewer of them. "These are where our warriors and their families live."

We keep walking and then stop and the giant mansion. "And this is where the Alpha, me, and the beta, my second in command live. Along with our families and our mates." I stare at it wide-eyed.

"You...you mean...If I stay here I'll get to live in this mansion?" Delta laughs,

"Yup! Want to see inside?"

"Uh yeah," I say, we step through the doors and she is immediately tackled into a hug.

"Delta!" Delta squeals,

"Casey!" Delta turns to me, "Eric this is Casey, my second in command." Casey stares at me. Casey was also around 5'8. She has brown eyes and blonde hair and she also looked strong. She was still staring at me and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Her face suddenly breaks out into a grin. She elbows Delta,

"Nice one." She whispers, Delta blushes. Delta and Casey show me around the packhouse and we end up in the kitchen.

"Thank you for showing me around." I turn to Delta, "and not killing me but-"

"Wait just a minute! You almost killed your mate?" Casey says, looking at Delta wide-eyed. "Girl you have some explaining to do." Delta rolls her eyes.

"I know, I'll tell you tonight." Casey huffs but smiles. I clear my throat.

"As I was saying, thank you for not killing me but I kind of have to go." Delta and Casey look at me.

"What? Where do you have to go?" Casey demands. I shuffle my feet on the floor.

"I'm kind of the leader of a gang and Delta kind of murdered two of my members so I kind of need to go get them." Casey stares at me wide-eyed and then turns to Delta and then looks back at me.

"Don't tell anyone about us and come back tomorrow afternoon. Now go." Then she turns to Delta. "You are coming with me. You have a lot of explaining to do. Now." I wave at them and then head out.

Me: Yo, u free?

Dan: Yup, what time?

Me: 9 pm good?

Dan: Yup, see u there

I turn off my phone and sigh, forty-minute run to get to town, how inconvenient. I start jogging and let the events go through my mind.

Earlier that morning I had told Tony and Bob to meet me at the Alley so I could give them some things for their next mission. When I had arrived I saw Bob's body being thrown into the dumpster by a giant black wolf who turns out to be a beautiful woman who claims I'm her mate. I shake my head. This is crazy. When I get to the bar Dan is already there.

"Hey," I say sitting down next to him.

"Hey." He looks at me, "long day?" I shake my head.

"You wouldn't believe it."

"Try me." I hesitated, Delta and Casey had told me not to tell anyone. I could tell him about some parts, right?

"Okay so this morning I had told Tony and Bob to meet me at the Alley so I could give them some things for their mission. I was five minutes late and I thought I heard Bob give a yell and then everything was silent. So I cautiously round the corner and I watch a giant black wolf sling him and Tony into the dumpster."

"No way! A wolf? Here?" I nod.

"Anyway, I move to pull out my gun, and the wolf whirls around snarling. Just as it's about to tackle me it lies down and starts whimpering. It sniffs me and lets me pet it and then runs off into the woods." Dan stares at me.

"That's crazy man."

"Yup, I don't suppose you want to help me get their bodies?" Dan shrugs.

"Not really but I'll help." I smile,



What do you think the meanings of the names Delta, Athena and Eric are?

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