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Eric's POV

I wake up drenched in cold water. Coughing and spluttering I look around at my surroundings. I'm somewhere dark and cold. I quickly spot someone standing off to the side.

"Glad to see you've finally woken up." A female voice says as the figure walks over. I shift from my slouched position to get a better look at her.

"What do you want?" I grit out, trying to stop my teeth from chattering. The female laughs.

"I don't think you're in the position to ask things." She goes to the other side of the room. I hear shuffling and the clanking of metal before she comes back and continues talking. "The names Mara, I'm the Alpha of the rogues, and what I want? I want to slowly torture and kill you." I blink in shock at the honesty.

"Why?" I ask, kind of a stupid question but I was curious. She looks at me.

"Are you stupid? You're Delta's mate. Torturing you will also torture her since she'll feel her mate's pain. After a couple of months, she'll be weak enough that I'll be able to take over her pack!" With that, she draws back the object that she got, which I now see is a knife, and before I could blink stabs it into my gut. I yell out in pain as my eyes start to water. After examining my hands and feet, making sure I was tied up tight she leaves the room.

Delta's POV

Gritting my teeth in pain I manage to crawl into bed. Linking the two trainers I tell them to stop training Dan and Casey for today. Breathing heavily with pain I take some sleeping pills and fall into a heavy sleep.


The next day I wake up to an angry Casey storming into my room.

"Call the trainer off!" She demands angrily. I slowly sat up, the pain in my stomach dulled down to a steady throbbing. I stand up gathering some clothes and heading towards the shower.

"What are you talking about?" I ask hopping in.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She growls on the other side of the door. "Dan can barely stand let alone keep training!" Turning off the shower I get out.

"Dan's fine," I say, pulling on my clothes and brushing my hair into a ponytail.

"No, he's not!" She snaps as I walk out of the bathroom. She follows me as I walk out of the house and towards the training field.

There's quite a scene when I arrive. Some warriors are minding their own business training with each other. But most have formed a circle around something. Spotting me walking towards them they part letting me walk through. In the middle is Dan and one of the trainers. Dan's struggling to get up. He has a black eye forming and a bust lip. Multiple bruises are also forming on his legs and arms. The trainer is reluctantly demanding that Dan get up and fight. Most of the warriors are shouting at the trainer to stop. The yelling dies down as I enter the middle. Casey starts to run to Dan's side.

"Stop!" I yell in my Alpha tone. Casey freezes, unable to disobey. She growls.

"Call him off! He's injuring my mate!" I growl back,

"I am Alpha! I will decide when he stops." Turning to the onlookers I bear my teeth. "Get back to training." I turn back to Casey as the onlookers disperse. Her eyes are glowing, indicating that her wolf is in control.

"Call him off my mate!" She roars, charging at me. I quickly shift, my clothes ripping as I grab her by her scruff tossing her to the ground. Standing over her she bears her neck in submission. Both of us shifting back I growl,

"Shouldn't you be training the warriors?" Whimpering, she hangs her head.

"Please!" She pleads, "let my mate stop." I sigh, turning to the trainer.

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