21. Irresistible Charm

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Hey there! Mauw! At the risk of sounding like a complete headcase I must say I've been dreaminng about finally being able to write this chapter.... I've waited and waited, unable to force myself to rush things I needed to say (and write) before I could allow Severus' and Aurora's relationship to progress any further. Some people have been commenting that they're desperately waitig for Aurora and Sevy dearest to 'do the nasty' (I believe that's what someone commmented in the last chapter).... well, let's see how things turn out. After all, you all know how much I like interruptions and cliffhangers.


"I don't believe this" I muttered, passing a hand through my blond tresses in desperation as I paced the room.

"And what, pray tell, don't you believe, Aurora?" Severus drawled, his tone detached as he watched me wear a path in the carpet.

"You" I said, gesturing in his general direcction with a movement of my hand. 

Severus was seated in a comfortable chair, next to a small table where two glasses stood. One leg crossed over the other, his head was resting against his hand, which was planted on the armchair. 

"What about me?" he murmured, his voice perfectly calm as he watched me, his onyx eyes following my every move.

"You're....here" I mused, frustrated at my inability to articulate a coherent sentence.

"Thank you, Aurora, for pointing out the obvious" Severus stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes at my inherent annoyance.

I groaned.

"You're insufferable!" I gritted, continuing my stressed pacing.

"And you're being a whiny brat" Severus stated ever so calmly, managing to look both exasperated and amused.

"I am not!" I tried to defend myself "I'm worried what people might think. At Hogwarts, I mean"

"I quite distinctly remember you telling me-in detail-how you couldn't care any less what people thought of you" Severus said, his gravelly voice doing things to my insides as I tried to get a hold of my annoyance.

"Don't you think people will get suspicious when I disappear for a week and you...what? Take a vacation?" I said sarcastiaclly.

"A forced leave of abscence. At least that's what Albus said...." Severus said matter-o-factly.

"That's Albus's great plan?!" I huffed indignately.

"After our little...argument  no one will doubt you were expelled. You're behaviour was unacceptable, after all" Severus gave me a look that held some other emotion, one I couldn't quite place."And as for me....no one will inquire any further."

I was walking from one side to the other of the room, my feat silently padding the heavily carpeted floor. Every time I walked passed the huge bay window, my eyes were inmediately drawn to thee deep cerulean blue of the ocean.

We had  arrived in Greece that very afternoon. After McGonagall had told me about the assignment and my travel companion, I'd reached out to one of my many contacts. This one happened to be a  wizzard with a thirst for travel who'd settled near the Greek coast after falling in love with a local half-breed. And I didn't mean the term in a derofatory manner. The girl in question was a shy, half muggle-half siren with great looks and a gentle character. It was their closeness to the small Island just off the Greek coast that housed the Siren society that had made this place our closest location with a connection to the Floo Network that still entailed a certain amount of annonimity,.

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