8. Home Sweet Home

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Mauw! Hey there people! I've really taken a liking to this story so I'd really appreciate any feedback you guys could send my way.... Any things you'd like me to dive further into regarding Aurora's past? Severus? The Waesley Twins? Harry, Ron and Hermione? Just let me know and I'll try and see what I can do....


The next couple of weeks flew by, and before I knew it it was time to return to Hogwarts. All the packing had been done, and after the lucky turnout of Harry's trial all the school-related shopping-including books, school uniforms, kettles, potions ingredients and a bunch of other stuff- had been completed without further ado.

Now all that was left to do was say our goodbyes to the members of the Order.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the Twins would take the train to Hogwarts, and Tonks had quickly offered to escort them. So did Sirius. I would remain at Grimmauld Place 12 a little bit longer, and apparate to Hogsmeade later that day. I still had some things I needed to do before heading to Hogwarts. After all, my stay at the wizzarding school was just a ruse, and I didn't really need all the fuzz that came with the journey on the train and the sorting ceremony.

When everyone had left I suddenly found myself alone in the huge and empty house. Wandering around the deserted hallways I was suddenly filled with a nostalgic feeling. This had been my place of residence for nearly three months. It was also the first place I felt completely at ease with who I was and what I could do. People knew anbout my past, knew about ny powers, and yet I had become a part of the Order. I now had a place I could go to without having to worry about blowing my cover or people finding out who I was. I was part of a group, and the feeling of companionship was a relatively new one to me. I had made friends, people I could trust and rely on.

It was when I was decending the staircase that I heard a knock on the door. Hesitantly I made my way to the front door, now knowing if I should answer it. But no one else was here, and only members of the Order knew how to find this particular adress. Sighing I opened the door, only to find Remus on the stone steps leading up to the front door.

He looked more tired than the last time I had seen him. His clothes looked more disheveled, more ragged, and the extreme palor of his skin only enhanced the purple bags underneath his eyes. On second thought, he didn't just look tired. He looked exhausted. Dead on his feet.

"Remus!" I exclaimed, watching with worry how he swayed on his feet. Reaching out I helped him inside, keeping a tight hold on his upper arm as I steered him towards the kitchen "what happened?!"

Remus had also been on an assignment for the Order, and had been gone on and off, sometimes for days at a time. No one knew where he went when he was absent, but I had a pretty good idea. After all, my own assignments were probably the same, only we had different crowds.

"I need to go see Albus" Remus said, his voice a low murmur as he let himself fall into a kitchen chair, head cradled in his hands. He looked a lot older than 36.

"Look, Albus is at Hogwarts busy with the preparations for the beginning of the schoolyear" I said quietly, heading over to the kitchen cabinet and rummaging through in in search for some glasses "Harry and the others headed out this morning, together with Sirius and some other members of the Order. It's just me now"

Remus looked up, his eyes blood-shot and looking at me intensely.

"I have to head to Hogwarts in a bit myself. I'm apparating to Hogsmeade and from there it's only a short walk to Hogwarts. I could take you to Albus.... but first you need to take a break. Rest a bit. Regain some energy. .." I said soothingly, turning towards Remus with a look of concern.

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