39. Before it Breaks

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It was happening.

The time was truly here.

 And, if the pain in my lower abdomen was any indication, I was in for one hell of a ride.

Remus had his hand wrapped around my waist, and I'd thrown an arm around his shoulder for support. I don't think I'd have been able to stay on my feet otherwise. 

Thoughts where whirling around my head, a hailstorm of chaotic, desperate thoughts as I fought to hold on to any semblance of calm. This wasn't the time to panic. Not here, in the middle of the Ministry of Magic, with a dear friend who didn't even know who the father of my child was.

"I can't be going into labour right now!" I breathed, unsure as to where I was going with this "It's not right"

"Well, whatever is happening, I suggest we get going" Remus said, and I could see his eyes dart to my midriff in question as he supported the bulk of my weight as we started for the exit.

"Something's....not right" I managed between clenched teeth as my hand subconsciously went to my distended stomach, feeling the baby kick, like a ripple underneath my skin "It hurts...."

We'd made it across the floor of the hall, and were now moving across a hallway in the direction of the elevator.

"Well I hope this Henry person knows what he's doing" Remus muttered under his breath as we reached the elevator. He pushed the button almost angrily, passing a hand through his hair in frustration.

"He does" I tried to reassure him. I think, I added mentally, trying to reassure myself.

"I'd feel much more comfortable taking you to St. Mungos to see a Healer" Remus added as the elevator came to a rattling halt before us.

"No, no, that won't be necessary" I said, biting back a groan as another muscle spasm nearly made me bite my own tongue off "It's probably nothing. Just....just the aftermath of the spell I used for the memory transfer..."

"I thought you said it was safe!" Remus said in an accusatory manner, giving me a deadpanned look.

"I said it was supposed to be safe" I said, my toes curling in my shoes as I bit my tongue trying to hold back the scream that was bubbling up my throat, threatening to escape "And I'm sure it's nothing. It'll be fine. I just....I just need to check in with Henry"

Now the elevator came to a stop at the ground floor, where the entire gallery was a whirlwind of activity with witches and wizards running about. I'd regained my balance, and slowly disentangled myself from Remus's hold. He gave me a warning look, but I shook my head.

"I'm-I'm fine" I said, taking a few deep breaths to steady myself. The nausea had abated, and now I was left with this uncomfortable pressure on my lower back, lick a black pit at the bottom of my stomach. I took a few hesitant steps, glad that I was able to walk in a straight line "See? I'm good..."

"Aurora, there you are! Everything all right?" Dimitri's voice rang loud and clear as he approached, his imposing figure causing the crowd to part like the red sea. He wielded a lot of authority around here, and the worry in his eyes was hardly disguised as he watched me.

"Yeah,  everything's fine" I said quietly, swallowing as another cramp nearly caused me to double over in pain.

"You don't look fine to me" Dimitri stated in an even lower voice, leaning in so he could look me in the eyes. Even with my 5'10 I was several inches smaller than him, and glancing up I saw his inquisitive look to Remus, who just shook his head.

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